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Remember back in the day when the internet was a "young peoples gimmick" because the oldies back then didn't know technology?

Lol, yeah me too... and we all got old 😂
i am "older" My DAD was a computer systems analyst.. back when they filled rooms
so many "oldies" know more about it,that the whippersnapers that can only use apps and paste scripts, and know NOTHING about real human interactions
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@SatyrService Yep. The chatrooms were a lot more fun in those days. A lot of people exploring tech capabilities for the broader universes (including anonymity to explore fantasies) rather than using it to shame people with name calling and bumper sticker rhetoric.
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
Lol I remember seeing a thing on Twitter where it was like "how millennials take a picture vs gen z" and millennials were blown away with how shitty their camera work was compared to gen z. Levels to this 🙌
I remember that seventh graders got violent over Wikipedia online in my classroom and that they won! No more wikipedia in class.
I quit teaching shortly thereafter. Let them have stupidity - and stop getting black and blue for knowledge!
Americans deserve the levels of darkness they live with. Shorter lives come along with the violent outbursts against the truth! Thanks be to God for that!
SnailTeeth · 36-40
You were never old enough for THAT! I wasn't even old enough for that.

Hack the world!
pride49 · 31-35, M
I guess 30 is young enough to want technology lol
deadteddy · 26-30, F
We were degenerates for that also

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