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Do u guy's ever use split screen on your computer

I had no idea my tablet could do that.
MrGumHead · 46-50
Yeah i used to do that when i used a tablet, it was terribly useful for being able to see two things at the same time, oh how i miss it :(
@MrGumHead It was only installing an extension and then learning 'oh drag the window to this position'.. found out it was finicky but soon enough becomes second nature.

Curious question, out of the blue, have you read Master and Margarita?
MrGumHead · 46-50
@thewindupbirdchronicles I tried that novel a couple times, hoping to get around to it for real before kicking the bucket.

I can't even drag anything, i'd need a mouse to do it i think. Very limited for me, but no complaints :)
@MrGumHead It's a brilliant book, also found in film. The topic made me think of it. As the book questioned how a person reads and played with it.

Yes you would need a mouse, but I bet it improves quickly and intuitively... just snap with a simple drag of the fingers and there side by side are things tiled perfectly unlike Master and Margarita
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
Split screen? Like with an an extra monitor and you can slide the pointer between each? I have my toughbook laptop set up like that with a second monitor.

Or one single contiguous display frame split across two (or more) displays?
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I think it depends on the tablet, I do it on the computer where I have something I am working on in one window and SW going in another.
Sometimes, especially when I need to copy/paste multiple items from one window to another.
That's for newbies
Sapio · 51-55, M
I don't use it.

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