Gender doesn't matter. I've worked for good and bad in both. It depends on the kind of person they are. I work in departments on a temporary basis, so I have a balancing act of not treading on people's toes and managing a small department. As long as you're fair and respectful, workers respond in kind, mostly.
Younger? Yes, if they can do their job competently, no problem.
I just want to say wow! Society has changed in the last 30 years, but it has taken 40 or 50 years to be on the cusp of fairness. We are NOT there yet. We are all growing, that or I have the best circle on SW!
As a professional, did it with no problems. At least no more and neither less problems than with men. may have some weight about experience, but not at all gender related.
Yes... I have... in part cause I'm retired Army... and in the civilian world nearly all my bosses have been in the company longer than me... so I've had female bosses and female head of departments.
@Mindful it’s always been contract work. I’ve only had three jobs different in my life, but none of them were jobs where you clocked in and had a boss as such.
@Mindful I’m a musician… and honestly not working rn. I’ve kind of decided to become for rn a housewife for my beautiful bride to be. We are getting married within the year and she is going to be making me the happiest girl alive by becoming my wife. 😊
Would and have. Their behavior would determine how I felt about it. One of my favorite managers who helped me get promoted and became a personal friend (still is) was a younger woman.