It's seem like that every woman can across your life you had a massive resentment against .
The resentment is your hatred towards yourself .
You want to deal with first .
Then make amends by doing that you have to make amends to yourself first .
People say oh your a psychopath and these labels but you get too the core point of your own self hatred and make amends ( there be a lot of pain that way too ) , you be on a winner with others .
Your listening too a fella that was bullied most of his life . Why or my saying this too you ?
I tell you why cause your sick not bad .
You might do bad things , buts it's your self hatred in your mind ( mental chatter ) causing you to act out in all of these ways .
I was bullied most of my life and I had the experience on the other side of it that the people that bullied we're not bad they were sick .
Find the core point why your like this or else there's another way your going to go and that's suicide.
Your after entering the dark side already , don't go any darker or else as what I say there's suicide involved with you