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I Am Quiet, Shy And Socially Awkward

I do get pretty shy and thanks to that I also get awkward socially and usually end up saying the wrong thing, or making some dumb joke that makes me look like an idiot or something, which doesn't exactly help my shyness. Once I get past the awkward getting to know someone bit I'm fine its just getting past it thats the problem.
I guess thats one of the main reasons I joined here, to try and push myself a little and stop being so shy, not so sure its working yet but maybe it will help a little.
Hi Jenny

Hope all’s going good with you and that your getting over your shyness
CathyUK · 56-60, F
My advice is do not try to act confident if you do not feel it. Just accept it is okay to feel a little shy and just be polite and pleasant. With experience you will become confident. Don't force it, always be natural.
Thespis · M
Wow, that expresses how I feel in a nutshell. I think here, and online in general has always been easier because I get more time to think of how I want to reply. Also, less risk, I think if someone doesn't respond online the rejection feels easier.
jennyuk · 22-25, F
@Thespis yeah, having to take the time to type out a reply makes things easier, its just resisting the temptation to read and edit the message too many times before sending it
Thespis · M
@jennyuk I think this site is great for accepting people as they are! I'm glad you're here Jenny.
Don't worry about saying a dumb thing occasionally, we all do.
Shyness goes with time
angie8819 · 56-60, F
as long as you keep trying it will get easier
lostluggage · 56-60, F
You will improve with age and experience, trust me
funfan · 46-50, M
Jenny, how is your social anxiety (etcetera) now over 3 years later? I cannot imagine the horror show that is 2020 helped with all that. 😔
funfan · 46-50, M
@jennyuk that's definitely good news about your progress the past 4 years :) we are all ready for 2020 to be over with and on top of that, you guys have brexit. 🤦‍♂️
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funfan · 46-50, M
@jennyuk Jenny, I guarantee it 2021 will be a much better year for you and the entire 🇬🇧. Vaccinations began Tuesday, right?
Feel free to message me anytime. :)
Pherick · 41-45, M
Of course it will help, plenty of conversations here to get involved in. No one is going to judge you or make it awkward if you make a dumb joke :)

I mean this site has people who believe the earth is flat on it, you can't be worse than them :P
Most people are a bit shy in social situations, you will be fine.

Just smile and talk about the people you are with, ask them where they went on holiday or where they would like to go. Most people like talking about themselves, so just ask them a few questions.
We all say the wrong thing occasionally. Just move on from it and keep going is my advice. Most people are sympathetic in my experience
Bustoff77 · M
Just be yourself and don't worry about what people think that way your friends like you for who you are ! 😊 Smiles 👍
Just be yourself if people can't accept you for who you are then they are not your friend anyway
funfan · 46-50, M
Jen, welcome back! 👍 Haven't seen you here in ages...and right before the Brexitpocalypse,too! 😂
You can talk openly and freely to me i wont judge you. I have a few problems in my life myself
Julianking · M
Who hasn't been there? Don't feel awkward, let yourself come
through it, there is nothing unusual in you.
Congratulations on stretching yourself.
Has it been working?
Just be yourself that's all you need to do
Newaussiedad · 31-35, M
Welcome to hit me up for a chat if you're interested 🙂
On here i can be me and talk openly about my life.
MartaSpain · 36-40, F
Don't worry, just practice and be yourself :)
jennypenny · 70-79, F
Don't worry about being shy here.
ron122 · 41-45, M
Just be yourself and you will be fine
mathsman · 70-79, M
Let the talk take over

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