BlueVeins · 22-25
Violence is a tool that can be very effective if applied in just the right way and in just the right contexts. Applying it the wrong way can provoke overwhelming retaliation and alienate people who'd otherwise be sympathetic.

Violence very rarely achieves something that diplomacy couldn't.

Well I think the US really tried diplomacy with putting sanctions on Russia and we all saw how that worked.
Starve em out@SW-User
Starve em out@SW-User

@SW-User I think the sanctions imposed by the EU/UN/NATO have worked very well - Russia is weak, it is losing funds to support a war effort whilst struggling to muster support elsewhere, and Putin is being forced to the table for diplomatic conversations with Zelenskyy.
If we can resolve Ukraine without any NATO countries having to send troops in, that could only be considered an overwhelming success.
If we can resolve Ukraine without any NATO countries having to send troops in, that could only be considered an overwhelming success.

@SW-User I’m absolutely in agreement - I was surprised at the efficacy of the sanctions tbh.
It looked like a slap on the hand but damn if it didn’t work
It looked like a slap on the hand but damn if it didn’t work
Carissimi · F
Unfortunately, you are right. The US would still be under British rule if not for war. The Brits may now be German if not for the US intervention.
DancesForJabba · F
@Carissimi And America would be French without British intervention.
redredred · M
How about,
“Initiating violence achieves nothing honorable”?
“Initiating violence achieves nothing honorable”?
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Facts. And some actual still believe world peace can be obtained. 😆
ArishMell · 70-79, M
I see your point but violence is never good even if the less-worst last resort.
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
Sometimes violence must be met with violence. A bully will always be a bully until someone takes up arms against him. You can talk to a bully and try the diplomatic approach but the most likely outcome is he will still be a bully and hit you when he is tired of listening. And if your diplomacy does save you from a beat down, it doesn't change the bully, he will just spend his urges on someone else who is weaker.
redredred · M
@Roadsterrider Initiating violence is wrong. Responding to violence with superior force is noble.
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