@Bumbles you earned it... Defunding the police is truthfully and legitimately one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. The policeman puts his life out on the limb to serve and protect the innocent people and is already underpaid as it is. I am so tired of hearing about the bad cop. It is like a plane crash. There are thousands of safe flights everyday but you only hear about that one that crashed. If a person doesn't like cops, then maybe they should look at the reason WHY they don't like cops.... Joe, Hunter and Lori Lightfoot ! ! !
@saragoodtimes that’s a piece of ancient wisdom in an easy to understand adage . Eat fruit. Be healthy. It’s like early to bed early to rise . Lots of ancient wisdom in Adages .
@AthrillatheHunt I think I have to agree with you on that one. An apple a day keeps the doctor away is not a dumb thing. Kind of like "a Big Mac a day makes heart attacks someday."
“It’s always the last place you look.” I know it means last place you thought to look but… of course you couldn’t keep on looking once you find the item. 😂
"Spend it if you got it". I think this one is exceptionally dumb because I only hear dumb people say it. Uno the type. The ones who think that being a professional dirtbags is cool and then get upset because people are "picking on me".