easy to look at because you're beautifuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul
It means you're good looking.
Mindful · 56-60, F
It’s something I overheard. Thanks
Pfuzylogic · M
🎤🎼 got to be good looking because it’s so hard to see!🎼
ScorpioBites · 46-50, F
The opposite of being an eyesore
Northwest · M
It depends on who's saying it, and what they have in mind. It also depends on how people view themselves.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Nice to look at.
Im kinda nerdy and like idioms. I always wañna know where the sayings come from.
Once upon a time I was learning Spanish. I was briefly learning Spanish idioms.
Fun stuff.
Im kinda nerdy and like idioms. I always wañna know where the sayings come from.
Once upon a time I was learning Spanish. I was briefly learning Spanish idioms.
Fun stuff.
originnone · 61-69, M
Don't wanna be an American idiom.....
Mindful · 56-60, F
@originnone I’m asking if that phrase AMerican
originnone · 61-69, M
@Mindful I was making a play off of the Green Day song....Sorry, I do this all the time, and its not easy to follow.....
Mindful · 56-60, F
@originnone oops

"Easy on the eyes" means that someone or something looks good.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
It means easy to look at… “ nice looking”
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
A compliment
Easy on the eye/eyes means lovely to look at
Easy on the eye/eyes means lovely to look at
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
That means you are attractive
BeJeweled · 61-69, F
Definetly a nice compliment that would make anyone's day hearing it.

Means you look cheap.

@SW-User no that's you look easy
Penny · 46-50, F
@SW-User thats not right lol

It means a woman is beautiful or a man is handsome. It’s a compliment.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@SW-User thanks!
Mbingh01 · 61-69, F
It means you are good looking!
eMortal · M
It’ means they can get you pregnant just by looking at you.😂
Lol no. It means you’re good looking.
Lol no. It means you’re good looking.

It means you're good looking
Mindful · 56-60, F
@SW-User okay, thanks.
Anrnearyou · 46-50, F
It means you are good looking.
turnedtostone · 56-60, F
Means you are good looking
bijouxbroussard · F
Definitely a compliment. "Hard on the eyes", on the other hand, means the opposite…
Iwillwait · M
Usually it's a compliment, unless they're a "Druggie," then he is a "Mark," soon to be parted from his wealth, freedom, dignaty and health.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
It means he's checking you out. Not necessarily a compliment if you find him a perv.
samanthaX · 41-45, T
It's obviously a compliment baby ❤️❤️❤️