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I'm gonna cry

Why is this so hard???????
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Greyjedi · M
Teach yourself hypnosis and self hypnotize yourself out of panic attacks. If you can master Hypnosis you can check your early years of life for trama that predates panic attacks.

Start with progressive relaxation. Clench each individual muscle group in your body as you inhale then release with exhale. Once you have relaxed each muscle group inhale and clench all muscle groups at once and then release with your exhale. It helps if you tell yourself after you breathe out “I feel the tension wash from ‘named muscle group’”. Do this a couple times a day. After a couple of weeks do this 5 to 7 times if you experience a panic attack an you will find them more manageable.
mikaykay · 18-21, F
@Greyjedi Thank you so much for this! this is really a great help for me, now and forever 💟
mikaykay · 18-21, F
I am having an anxiety attack again and I don't know how to cope this
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
@mikaykay Hope this passes for you soon
Breathe slowly and focus on something else is always a good first step
Whats going on wanna talk about it?
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
This too shall pass
Here if you need an ear or a shoulder 💙
Bleak · 36-40, F
Let the tears flow
Arantxa · 18-21, FVIP
How can we answer that question when we have no idea what's so hard.
mikaykay · 18-21, F
@SW-User I overthink that time that I don't know what to do. I'm sorry for the confuse

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