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Why do people have to yell at people for no reason?

I have one person ignoring me and another one yelling at me for spending and using too much money but I spend $600 a month for food which is pretty average amount plus its my damn mlney? My dad left a little so i can be comforable and be able to get my education so i can get a job. And I NEED TO FEED MY FAMILY. But i got yelled at for buying a box of brownies. I hate this so much.
Madmonk · M
Sounds Fucked up. Maybe you should tell them so. You want brownies buy some brownies. It’s your money. EF em
Itsjustbrit · 26-30, F
@Madmonk right?! She also screamed at mr for not listrning to her when shes trying to make a point but she was toxic thinking and i dont want to be around that right now
melissa001 · 51-55, F
Are you the only one in your family? Do you have kids to feed too?
Itsjustbrit · 26-30, F
@melissa001 I have a child and a marriage partner thats trying to find a job, she just finished I.T college classes to get a I.T job.
melissa001 · 51-55, F
@Itsjustbrit then I would think you would spend that kind of money.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Give the screaming one a pillow and say "While I go buy brownies you can hold on to this "
Raaii · 22-25, F
just ignore those and live your life happily 🙇‍♀️
Lilnonames · F
Eat them all and smile

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