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Why I love and choose Wicca

Wicca... it's more than just a belief system. It's a sacred connection to the divine feminine energy that flows through every living being. Wicca celebrates the power of the feminine, the strength of the goddess in all her forms. It's a religion that honors the cycles of nature, the phases of the moon, the ebb and flow of life itself. From the maiden to the mother to the crone, each phase of womanhood is revered in Wicca. It's a reminder that we, as women, possess a divine spark within us, a connection to the ancient mysteries of the universe.

In Wicca, there's no hierarchy, no patriarchy dictating our worth. We are priestesses of our own destiny, guardians of the earth and all its creatures. It's a religion that empowers us to embrace our intuition, to harness the natural magic that resides within us. For me, practicing Wicca has been a journey of self-discovery, a path to reclaiming my own power in a world that often seeks to diminish it. It's a true woman's religion because it celebrates everything that makes us unique, everything that makes us divine.

And in this sacred space, surrounded by the energy of the goddess, I feel more alive, more connected, than ever before. Wicca isn't just a religion, it's a way of life, a source of strength and empowerment for all who embrace it.
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SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
@laurieluvsit I'd heart this so many times if I could. While I'm not personally a nudist-witch, I love that Wicca embraces all aspects of who we are, including our natural bodies and sexuality. I'm familiar with many nudist covens within the Wiccan community. To let go of all inhibitions and truly connect to the elements and the energy of the goddess - that's true power.
laurieluvsit · 26-30, F
I wrote a post about the Sex Goddess Aphrodite a year ago or so.

You many not like it as it is all about sex since she was the Sex Goddess but just in case here it is...

SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
@laurieluvsit It says it's a private post?
Wicca = Moon Goddess !!?

Thank you for positive vibe posting .

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@SparklyPrincess Like werewolf myth ! ?
SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
@valobasa4ever Well, in a way, yes. The werewolf myth often ties in with the idea of transformation and the lunar cycle, but it's important to note that Wiccan symbolism surrounding the moon is more about embracing the natural cycles of life and harnessing the power of the divine feminine. So while the werewolf myth may depict a physical transformation under the full moon, Wicca's symbolism is more about personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.
@SparklyPrincess Thank you again. 🍁
I don’t trade one false belief for another. Living in an evidence based world is best. Magic doesn’t have a history of being effective.
@Annabelle05 I don’t have burden of proof for what you claim. Nor do I accept anecdotes. Thermodynamics laws are false? Did your refrigerator and air conditioner stop working? What about hydraulics? Liquids can’t be compressed. Are airplanes falling from the sky? Were your school textbooks rewritten due to the new data?

Only better science can disprove science.
Annabelle05 · 18-21, F
@BlueSkyKing my apologies Mr King. I didn't mean to disrespect your beliefs. Your world view is different to mine but you are entitled to believe whatever gives you comfort. Blessed be.
@Annabelle05 You didn’t offend me. My education included science literacy and critical thinking. Pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope give me a great sense of wonder. Far more than wishful magic claims or burning bushes.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I'm wiccan, yet I lean to a far more older Celtic version than the far newer Gerald Garner versions.

The old Celtic beliefs go back to the 400 BCE times.

Welcome here &...
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Alex51 · 61-69, M
Are male outside the power of wicca
Alex51 · 61-69, M
@SparklyPrincess plz tell me about wicca and Goddess
SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
@Alex51 Okay but I'll tell you in DM so I can fully articulate my thoughts
Alex51 · 61-69, M
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Feminine energy is powerful
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@SparklyPrincess Your strength could probably make me vunerable
SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
@Subsumedpat Perhaps, but vulnerability is not weakness. It is the courage to open oneself up to the world and experience the joys and the sorrows it has to offer.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@SparklyPrincess good point
Entwistle · 56-60, M
What does it have to say about men and all things male?
SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
@Entwistle Great question! In Wicca, men are not excluded or diminished. Rather, they are recognized as integral parts of the divine balance. Just as the goddess embodies feminine energy, the god represents the masculine counterpart. Wicca teaches us to honor and respect the divine masculine within ourselves and in the world around us just as much as the feminine. Recognizing that both are essential for the natural order of things. Of course there are traditions in Wicca such as Dianic (mentioned here in the comments) which exclusively focus on the feminine.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@SparklyPrincess Thanks for the reply. Much appreciated 👍
Craqdi · 22-25, F
Totally agree, it is not something ideological but a supernatural force.
Greyjedi · M
A lot of that sounds great but at the same time from the way you wrote it it’s clear there is a hierarchy.
SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F

I addressed this in another response :)

In Wicca, men are not excluded or diminished. Rather, they are recognized as integral parts of the divine balance. Just as the goddess embodies feminine energy, the god represents the masculine counterpart. Wicca teaches us to honor and respect the divine masculine within ourselves and in the world around us just as much as the feminine. Recognizing that both are essential for the natural order of things. Of course there are traditions in Wicca such as Dianic (mentioned here in the comments) which exclusively focus on the feminine.
Greyjedi · M
@SparklyPrincess it’s hard to believe because you didn’t mention it in your post. It would seem you are Dianic.
SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
@Greyjedi Honestly I should've mentioned it, it's my oversight and I'm sorry!
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
I love the respect for nature part of it.
Completely agree and am soooo happy for you!!!🌹
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Flenflyys · 31-35, F
I like wicker furniture
AmericanBroad · 31-35, FVIP
Seems interesting
Jessmari · 41-45
SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
@Jessmari Yes. I follow the Dianic tradition within Wicca. Especially since it emphasizes women's empowerment and celebrates the sacredness of womanhood and the cycles of life.
wunderluv · 51-55, M
How long have you been practicing Wicca?
SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
@wunderluv Quite a few years now. I'm 21, I started when I was around 16.
wunderluv · 51-55, M
@SparklyPrincess nice.. do you participate in the solstice festivals?
SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
@wunderluv I try to. But if I can't make it to an actual festival I will do something at home for it instead.
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ViciDraco · 36-40, M
I'm not really into religion and cannot convince myself to believe in the spiritual at all. But there are things I at least respect about Wicca. If I were forced to choose something to follow, it would be a good candidate because I feel it does align with morals and values fairly well and is much more benevolentthan a lot of other faiths.
SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
@ViciDraco That's one of the beautiful things about Wicca. It's not about forcing beliefs onto anyone. It's about finding your own path, connecting with what resonates with you on a deeper level. In Wicca, we celebrate diversity and individuality. There's no one-size-fits-all approach.
Annabelle05 · 18-21, F
What she said
Bhs123 · 36-40, F
Bhs123 · 36-40, F
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SparklyPrincess · 18-21, F
@RyanVersaw No, spanking has actually nothing to do with Wicca. Nor should it have anything to do with any faith. Do not ever twist kinks / fetishes in with legitimate belief systems.
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