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The Big Clearance 1 : I went over my Instagram account

Been deleting old contacts over and over, old friends, older lovers, older collaborations, people with whom we've shared something somewhere but I feel I've outgrown.....
I've been doing this, decluttering my physical belongings for several years.
Today I followed just the same technique, from Marie's Kondo teachings (minimalist) feeling around every contact, with the only question " does it spark joy ? "
There were several occasions filled with guilt. Several contacts that I've been keeping because "what if this person who have supported me with this and that finds out I've unfollowed them ? "
Other occasions filled with pity " What if they get sad and lonely ? ", other were fear based .. " what if I need this contact for work related such and such " ...
Been deleting rare to find artists accounts that their art has stopped speaking to me.
Been unfollowing older peers from the fine arts academy or project mates.
Travelling short companions from whom I've learnt all that I had to learn at the exact moment of our physical meeting.
All this continuity and the following, is great, as long as it serves who we are.
It's been exhausting but worth it.

All because of this video that I've watched that was emphasizing on the importance of LET GO in order to let what is a match to us, to find the space to come in. Uh.
I'm tired.

How about your Saturday's ?
It's a full moon you all do not forget...
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twistedrope · 26-30, M
If you send a message to see if you can spark a conversation and give it a week then delete them, that's a pretty good measure too.

I don't feel guilty for those people as they probably didn't value me in the first place. If I remove them, they can still contact me. Speaking up to say "Hey, stay in my life." is a pretty sweet thing to hear and invaluable to say.
being · 36-40, F
@twistedrope Care for what? You mean, to show fake care for people that I don't care about ? A subconscious message saying "I'm a good person so I'm caring about you" while my true being says "get out of my life now!" ??

I deleted around 50 people. Should I be going around sending awkward -the least- messages of "hi how u doing" to people with whom I clearly feel I don't want in my life?

Why should I do this ?

So others won't feel excluded ? While I am excluding them in reality ? Hiding my truth, confusing everyone, adding unnecessary pressure and fake feelings... enough with it. This is not true compassion, this is not true care and love, it's the lowest thing I don't want to be offering any longer. My pity.
No, I'll be respecting everyone enough to let them know where I truly stand.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
@being It's a fine way to go about it. Thanks.
being · 36-40, F
@twistedrope thank you too, for helping with the clearance..
QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
I, periodically, do the same thing.

I have found purging practices and people that are no longer bringing smiles or peace to me, to be highly cathartic and necessary for continued growth.

Enjoy the full moon, and the magic it brings.
being · 36-40, F
@QCDog2659 thank you... Cathartic yes.
I'm going to disconnect... And try to connect with her Moon 🌝
Bowenw · 61-69, M
I just did the same thing on Instagram, and deleted a lot of people that post too much for my taste.
Bowenw · 61-69, M
@being Some people post dozens of times a day. I don't need that much information. Once a week is more than plenty for me.
being · 36-40, F
@Bowenw it's the algorithm pushing it also and you end up seeing more of the same thing, I have removed a couple in the past that used to post like that.
Bowenw · 61-69, M
@being Facebook must use a similar system.
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
I’m basically going to continue sorting through my wife’s clothing; save for others to share, donate or discard.
being · 36-40, F
@SageWanderer that's a valuable work you're doing over there..
Purging the old feels so good and can heal the soul.
being · 36-40, F
@Sojournersoul indeed, let go is release.

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