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I see alot of Harris voters are upset

I don't vote or follow politics so it doesn't really matter to me
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SteelHands · 61-69, M
Really let me fill you in.

Harris seemed joyful about the insane deficit, being the deciding vote for the worlds record highest loan aka spending bill.

She figured on offloading the debt onto the working class by increasing corporate taxes which would of course be passed onto workers, plunge the wages of skilled workers into the toilet and have more demanded of them because we already have issues buying food and paying our bills.

Then, her plan included new maybe gains taxes. Otherwise known as unliquidated at risk investment taxes. Yup. The democrats aren't satisfied our 401K numbers sank. They want to tax you on it just in case it sinks again so they can take as much away as possible now. You know. Before wall street runs off with another half of it.

Harris had no policy to equalize the next big danger facing American gas powered engine workers, the steel workers, and especially the electric car makers. It's as if nobody even knows.

Obviously every single aspect of the apparently America last uniparty no give a dang she is a rubber stamp approval candidate.

The list of her apparent vapid policy utterances, softball asks by msdnc and other televised concealments, and her utterly transparent joy about the disastrous impact on low and unskilled workers because of the flood of foreigners Joe invited and put Kamala in chg of holding the door open, as we can assume, is why.

Her 2019 primary show was lower than low, and her marxist utterances proved absolutely that some of the Democrats have sold out to commie dictators

Bonus: Tiennamen tampon Tim. I could talk another 5 paragraphs but why? Almost everyone knows.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@jehova To do which thing? Insert yet more long term embedded DC office holders? To circumvent cloture with a simple majority and ram umpopular legislation through? To confirm appointments strongly resisted by the people (congress)? To ratify a half trillion more in spending that heaps more long term spending and inflation on the US taxpayers in the future?

Calling it a name that implies that the people who pay will be reduced by the means of even more inflation. Yeagh inflation sure does reduce the public.
The balls. Calling it it The Inflation Reduction Act. That's classic.

Not the Reduction of Inflation Act. Not the Act to Reduce Inflation. A half trillion more added to the spending already way over the deficits already accrued since Reagan shifted a trillion away from the middle class, over the next however many long years it keeps renewing past the 2027 for sure date on the porkbarrel packages.

Imagine having a job where you get paid 4 or 5 times more than your boss or bosses, and you said "no, no you don't tell me what to do ILL TELL YOU WHAT I'M GONNA DO. That's about the size of it up there on *the elected gems of capital hill. (**and their clubmates(

**With 5 times as many lobbyists from each top profit corporations than the number of elected legislators, getting funding from *America's working peoples erant and rebellious ex running around rampage writing checks against its credit accounts.

Then calling the actual workers obsolete, referring to our economic generator as an "information economy" (tital bullshit) sucking up all the money in the system for service sector sit down jobs, pretending everyone with degrees get 6 figure jobs (then don't) and go even more nuts when the bond market turns upside down and housing shoots through the roof and a frigging hamburger costs as much as a t bone steak should. And then they Act like 700 bucks towards a 60 grand toy car unfit to use for work is peachy, halting pumping crude oil and killing the poor with energy shortages is a "necessary evil" to save a planet for the actual useful ones who, if dead, can't save them.

What some ninnies and schlocks. I guess thats what happens when you guzzlekum and it eats its way into your brain.
jehova · 31-35, M
@SteelHands for sure more of the same politicians making excuses blaming each other while borrowing against the future flashing back to ww2 and passing Reagan era economic policies.
But they think Trump is going to 'fix' it. Wtf America is doomed to the same fate as the Roman Empire.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@jehova fortunately I'm of the belief that's not true because obviously an empire would probably not be subject to complete conquest or collapse.

Like a corporation they could just remake the history story and change some names while creating a distraction through the chaos of a war. Then after enough generations of regular people go by they just start telling them a new story about the past.

What some call empires are really just international rich snobs pointing blame fingers at people beyond the reach of accountability far as I can tell. Their families never take the hit when the so called "empire" supposedly falls.

Getting people to listen to predictions about it happening again are just part of the fake , half truths, hidden facts,
and implausible stories foisted on regular people not in their club.
If only it actually worked that way. You may not think it matters to you, may pretend it doesn't, etc, but even for those not in the US, it matters some.

My apologies if that sounds rude, and it may not matter much, or enough to be worth it to you
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Probably election deniers
@MrBrownstone There's only one set of voters that deny elections, and it ain't the Dems.
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Bhs123 · 36-40, F
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
Saw an analyst for the Democrats say they believed that Trump was unelectable, so never hit the key issues.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@2ndtimeguy Trumps team did a pretty bang up job convincing voters to have a collective brain fart and vote for him.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@2ndtimeguy hmm does the analyst actually get paid for anything LOL
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
Surprised they want tarrifs and a crashed economy and such, holding my nose for 4 smelly years of bad aftershave and rot.
jehova · 31-35, M
We will get over it. . . Im not upset i was worried but its a tough situation. Hopefully trump can shake things up enough to correct the course.
Marking this as positive shows your real motivation.
Kypro · 51-55, M
Your opinion doesn’t matter then
Northwest · M
Great, you may want to skip this section altogether, because it's all about politics.
JohnOlinger81 · 41-45, M
the meltdowns on tik tok are sad I never had a mental brekdown over an election loss not even when Bush Jr. Or Trump won twice
JohnOlinger81 · 41-45, M
@JohnOlinger81 but I gotta admit Harris was a bad candidate im not very optimistic about the next election next election will probably have a bad democrat candidate too
This British comedian sums it up nicely.[media=https://youtu.be/x0eq7VNCcYY]
oldguy73 · 70-79, M
then why say anything
Echambers101 · 26-30, M
@oldguy73 im just saying what I noticed
Politics was how we mediated between society and the strongest and richest people. Americans do not need politics. You gave the billionaires our world and they're killing it! You beat politics. Forever.
PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
So you just opt out of society? Must be nice. 🙃

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