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Anyone still believe Dems didn’t cheat in 2020?

How did Trump get about 70 million votes in 2020 and 2024, Harris had 67 million, Hiliary had about that many too but Biden got 81 million? Yea, right… You really have to be ignorant to believe those numbers.
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fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
There were some funny sounding instances but supposedly nothing was found. Now just by my math, I was adding things up and in 2020 virtually EVERY registered voter voted! That has never happened before, not that it couldn't happen but kind of makes me wonder!
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Elessar · 26-30, M
@SumKindaMunster I get it but you're referencing discrepancies and the ultimate test of those claims yielded no positive outcomes.

~20M people in a country of 380M were pìssed enough at Trump to vote for Biden, those same people 4 years later weren't excited by Harris's campaign.

It doesn't seem that much of a stretch to me 🤷🏻‍♂
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Elessar Ok, fair enough, thank you.
Northwest · M
Strangely enough, the popular votes numbers are not out yet, but you know what they are. Get a brain transplant. And the reason I say that, is that 2016 is not 2020 and Trump did not get 70 million votes in 2016. It's more like 62 Million to Hillary's 65 Million.
Bill1372 · 51-55, M
@Northwest sorry I triggered you… I know last night and today must have been very difficult for you. Please accept my apologies… you could probably use one of those tampons your prospective VP put in the men’s room.
Northwest · M
sorry I triggered you… I know last night and today must have been very difficult for you. Please accept my apologies

Now you think you're a Jedi Knight. You're not. But every comment of yours sounds like a confession. You should talk to someone about your pedophile little girls fantasies.
Bill1372 · 51-55, M
They scuttled Bernie for the second time in 2020. The "Shadow app" and even a weather app blackout during the Iowa convention - which actually got people killed by unforecasted tornadoes in Iowa - were in the news, so was the scandal... Americans don't care about the genocide or the ecosystem enough to wake up.
Why blue only won in places that didn’t require ID?
Why can everyone else get shit done in a day but Steve rictor and bill gates down in Arizona take a week? 🤷🏻‍♂

1490wayb · 56-60, M
Shaveit · 61-69, M
They are!
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Bill1372 · 51-55, M
@ilikeitlikethat23 How did he pardon J6 people? He wasn’t in office since their convictions. I guess you’re speculating. Also, if any of them were no given a fair trial, kind of like Trump didn’t, they probably should be pardoned. I can’t wait to see Trump put all those who abused their power over the last 4 years in jail, starting with Leticia James…

Don’t tell me about the rule of law you loon. You realize the court that convicted Trump had no jurisdiction over those charges? That’s why those charges will be thrown out? Tell me about Alvin Bragg and Leticia James, you want to talk about rule of law… GTFOH and get help for your TDS
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smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
We all know they cheated to get sleepy pants Joe into office
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@smileylovesgaming No one knows that and it has be thrown out of every single court as an absurdity.
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@Mesthartiya your post talked of “illegals” voting.
Thrust · 56-60, M

It's easy to understand, Biden was such a dynamic, inspirational figure 20 million more crawled over broken glass because they just had to get him in.

And it certainly paid off! 👍
Bill1372 · 51-55, M
@Thrust 🤣

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