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Do you think the US is heading for a second Civil War?

wildbill83 · 36-40, M
won't really be much of a "war" per say...

more like a turkey shoot...

I don't suspect that a bunch of effeminate soy boy liberals wearing vagina hats will put up much resistance when shot at... 🤔
@wildbill83 cowards in every way… yeah
Nimbus · M
AbbeyRhode · F
If that's what it takes to rid ourselves of our worst enemies, who have illegally seized power and are well on the way to destroying this country, I'm all for it.
Nimbus · M
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@AbbeyRhode We’ve been in a spiritual war as it is.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
No, but as an outsider i can see tge country is very divided and not a place to visit at this stage
Nimbus · M
@nedkelly Me too Ned 👍
4meAndyou · F
No. We are ONE nation, under God. (Even the idiots). 🤣🤣🤣 The idiots ( Radical Progressives, or is that Radical REgressives???), are just too dumb to know it. 🤣🤣🤣

Seriously, the only real danger is that a-holes like Mayorkas will try to overturn the second amendment, or might try to arrest parents for speaking out during school board meetings, (which they actually wrote about and considered doing).

Doing something like that WOULD trigger an uprising of sorts, but there is no way that singletons could stand off the military. And right now our military is Leftie. (Probably has been for decades).

We have a better way. We VOTE. When the lefties cheat, we wait till the next vote. And that is what we have done. There is no way anyone wants this horror show to continue. We have high confidence that the American people are UNITED now in their suffering...UNITED to get rid of these a-holes who are causing our pain.
Nimbus · M
@4meAndyou Roll on 2024 ;)
4meAndyou · F
@Nimbus 💃💃💃👏👏👏 Let's ROLL!!!
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
This was one. The guns are in the hands of only one side, the victims are lost. Murka will kill all people and everything living if we don't kill it.
@Changeisgonnacome Lol. Look at how many more from elsewhere come here that leave here to go elsewhere. Tells you the truth in a hot minute.
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
@Stillwaiting but your net immigration has been negative for many years.
[image deleted]
Fairydust · F
No other option to be honest. When your enemy is the government.
Nimbus · M
@Fairydust 👍
sasanack · 61-69, M
I am pretty sure you are going to see so much civil unrest in the future it may well as be a civil war, go brandon biden should het a bronze medal in the marathon mental olympics , the rumour says he is a clone anyway or was it clown.
shuhak · M
Yep. In fact, the US is on the way to destroying itself. ALL Its leaders (not just the"top dog") only care about their own agendas and grandstanding' while many of its citizens egg them on.
They all act like immature teenagers who refuse to grow up.
Nimbus · M
@shuhak Time to emigrate?
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
sure wish all these liberal lunatics would emigrate...

To Tijuana, Baghdad, Mogadishu, Grozny, etc. perhaps... to get away from all those shootings that only happen in the US... 🤔
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SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
The US is headed for "Balkanization"

Balkanization is the fragmentation of a larger region or state into smaller regions or states, which may be hostile or uncooperative with one another. It is usually caused by differences of ethnicity, culture, and religion and some other factors such as past grievances. The term is pejorative;[1] when sponsored or encouraged by a sovereign third party, it has been used as an accusation against such third party nations. Controversially,[2] the term is often used by voices for the status quo to underscore the dangers of acrimonious or runaway secessionism.
Nimbus · M
@SumKindaMunster I've learned a new word ;)
Nimbus · M
@Namor69 👍
@Namor69 And so few Brave Hearts!
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I think if there is a serious attempt to disarm Americans by factions in the govt. they’ve f*cked around and found out.
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
@cherokeepatti perish the thought-. Peace! God save us-. You'd be stuck using words.
Nimbus · M
@cherokeepatti I hope it never happens Patti.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Nimbus I hope not but who knows this is serious.
smiler2012 · 56-60
no nimby i think if t was going to happen it would of been a while ago when trump was in office [nimbus]
Nimbus · M
@smiler2012 lolol, 😄
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
No, I think just a few people speaking very loudly are making everyone a little nervous.
Nimbus · M
@Zaphod42 I hope that's all it is.
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
I don’t know but it’s clear it’s a nation that has lost its direction
Nimbus · M
@Dlrannie Agreed.
I worked in retail for the past 6 years. Dealing with the general public tells me that half of these people wouldn’t last a day in war because they can’t even read the card reader in front of them and struggle to count their own money. You need the bare minimum of common sense to succeed in war. They have none.
Nimbus · M
@MorbidCynic Oh my!
eli1601 · 70-79, M
War, no. But I would be in favor of an amicable separation between red and blue states with commonwealth like trading treaties and perhaps a NATO type agreement for protection.

The only problem would be the purple states and which country they would join.
@eli1601 Seems that would be best for all.. but the elite have other plans.
Nimbus · M
@eli1601 👍
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
No, we're a long way from that.
Nimbus · M
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Definitely not
Nimbus · M
richa · 36-40, M
No, I don’t, but I use to wonder that. I think it’s coming to ‘humble pie.’
Nimbus · M
senghenydd · M

It'll be the Democrats Vs The Republicans
Nimbus · M
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
A violent minority getting us killed might be called that.
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Nimbus · M
@Stereoguy 👍
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Nimbus · M

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