Yes they will. He could cure cancer and pay every American a million dollars and they'd still attack Trump. The better he does for the American people, the more they hate him.
He's clearly showing how awful the left governs. He drove that home with his border statement Tuesday evening about the only thing needed was a new president. People heard that and had no choice but to agree. Biden and the left CLEARLY lied to us all and it's glaringly obvious.
They don't want peace in Ukraine. For some reason, they'd rather risk WW3 than reach a lasting peace in such a volatile region.
The Democrat/Socialist/Marxists do not HAVE a plan that involves a good or bright future for this country.
This includes:
* the out-of-proportion hatred they exhibit for anyone who disagrees with them, * the strange and awful strictures they have tried to place upon the American people involving gender, * mutilation of children, * removal of freedom of speech, * DEI, (or removal of merit based hiring), * the destruction of our educational systems while elevating the Marxist teacher's union, * their wild support of Hamas and other terrorists, * their insane support of illegal immigration, * their insane attempts to protect criminals and release them into general population repeatedly, * their attempts to use the LAW as a weapon against their political enemies, * their attempts to create pockets of anarchy and chaos in our major cities while calling it a "Sanctuary" city, or a "Sanctuary" state... * their refusal to ENFORCE our existing laws by disabling our police, ICE, and our armed forces.
ALL of the above and many more which I'm sure I've forgotten, is a toxic formula drummed into their tiny little heads by the Propaganda weapon known our system of schools and Universities, (which have been taken over), the mainstream media, and the main political figures in their party, who take their orders from the European globalist billionaires.
Our destruction is their plan. Globalists do not WANT strong nations...anywhere.
@4meAndyou Well said. More and more people are figuring out who, and what, the left stands for, and it is NOT their best interest. Everything you mentioned above, hurts our country, divides our people, and serves to bring our great nation to its knees.
@fanuc2013 drastically cutting the number won’t help the us. They do many jobs and pay taxes unlike big companies. Cutting spending doesn’t help if you give tax cuts to the top 10% every few years. He added 7 trillion to the debt his last four years.