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any Americans happy

Now that the USA has committed an act of war against Russia by killing civilians on a beach?
Jennster · 18-21, F
Let me guess - you think the whole of Ukraine just naturally belongs to Russia and it doesn’t matter what they think about that?
Jennster · 18-21, F
I’ll DM you…
sree251 · 41-45, M
Why are you on the US's side? I am simply looking at history and have realised that Russia is not a threat. Sadly the same can not be said of the US. The US has been running all over the world starting silly endless wars. Korea, Vietnam, Kosovo, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan Ukraine etc etc etc. I don't support evil and the US is evil to the core.

You are wasting your time talking to @Jennster. No disrespect to her when I say this. She is 21 and live in a different world that has absolutely no idea what a world war is, not even when she gets to see a small small dose of that in the Gaza and Ukraine bombings and killings. You are closer to WW1 and WW2 even if you were born after those horrific conflicts that killed off millions of people.

The US, UK and EU are now pushing for WW3 despite having been embroiled in WW1 and WW2. Those war monger politicians are of your generation. Why are they escalating the conflict with Russia? They feel very confident that they can crush Russia because the entire west is facing down this one enemy. They can't grasp the consequence of pushing a nuclear armed Russia too far. You and I can. Forget Russia. Even North Korea, if it has a nuclear arsenal half as lethal as that of Russia's, would have no hesitation launching everything to destroy the USA if we push them too far.

The US, aided by the UK and EU, has been a bully beating up small nations far too long to know what it feels like to get kicked in the teeth. Americans are cowards. We are incapable of going toe to toe with a formidable opponent. It was Russia that defeated Germany in WW2. And we were lucky to have the atom bombs; otherwise, the Imperial Japanese Army would have beheaded every American soldier they could get their hands on till they march into Washington DC.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Jennster Do you understand anything about the war in Ukraine, or just the propaganda peddled on American media ?
russia just shot down a 100M drone as retaliation..

costly. but they didnt sent a hot rocket into Cali..

thank god
John628 · M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout and where did u hear that
No. We knew something like this would happen when Biden gave Ukraine longer range missiles. Nothing like escalating WWIII prior to the election.
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
@hippyjoe1955 Since the start of the Cold War there have been US and Russian missiles being fired in proxy wars around the world. I personally don't agree with us giving weapons to Ukraine, but once the missiles are transferred to them, it's all on them.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@CactusJackManson Not if you are providing the targeting data. The weapons given to Ukraine are being operated by Americans. America has a very bad habit of starting wars and then blaming someone else for the genocide committed by America.
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
@hippyjoe1955 Maybe we should do Canada next
John628 · M
Did America send the missile to the beach though? Did we shoot it?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@John628 Do you honestly think that anti missile defence systems are 100% effective? Really? Why would the US fire off its missiles if it knew that Russia was going to be able to knock them all down?
John628 · M
@hippyjoe1955 to overwhelm Russia’s defensive capabilities… that’s what Russia has done lol. Ukraine has some AA and stuff but Russia still shoots them… same logic
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No, but nineteen out of twenty oppose the war with Russia in Ukraine. We're not relevant in capitalism. We're human workers, but without politics.
John628 · M
@Roundandroundwego damn so Lindsey Graham is 1/20?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Roundandroundwego The government is its own entity. You worship it like it is some sort of God. Crony capitalism is socialism writ large. Cut government back to its basic function and keep it under control. Never let it be in control
@hippyjoe1955 the only legitimate governments are democratic. Washington is like what you described, an illegal regime.
specman · 51-55, M
Let the fireworks commence! The USA is not in Revelations anyway.

Everyone should fire them off cause a nuclear war against Russia and NATO will mess the world up!

I have to admit it would be scary , but come Lord Jesus Christ come!
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BlueGreen absolutely. The US is in for a world of hurt because the American people let the globalists steal the last presidential election.
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
@hippyjoe1955 It's just plain messed up in a lot of countries really.
Well they got elected now we suffer...
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BlueGreen true. Canada is certainly no betterm
kodiac · 22-25, M
Putin vows to retaliate. Ww3 incoming
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Democrats I would imagine.
tenente · 100+, M
american here. what?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@John628 They were shooting at a base a long way from where the missile impacted. However there was no need for the US to even be involved let alone killing kids playing on the beach.
John628 · M
@hippyjoe1955 if it was shot down, then yes clearly the missile would land somewhere else. Why would Ukraine waste a weapon on random people lol
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ididntknow Sadly you are right. Funnily enough the bully is losing the fight and will soon abandon Ukraine by blaming it for not being trustworthy enough.

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