Why a ceasefire?In 1945 much of Europe lay in ruins. Civilians were killed, crippled, left homeless, starving literally by millions. Nobody said, let's have a humanitarian ceasefire and give the Germans time to re-arm and re-group. The war did not end until the... See More ยป
Ukraine bombs yet another pipeline that supplied Europe with gas- why so quiet in the Western front? What's the trouble, getting tired of winning and beating Russia? (1)
All this war and aggression stuff is very retro.It's now or never for WWIII. Obviously when we get a chance we'll have to disarm the perpetual war machine based in Washington.
Two trained killers trained their deadly normal vehicles on the crowd. And there's no reason to address any issues?The illegal wars punish everyone and the population is driving weapons at each other every day. But absolutely no problem for the disgusting killing nation of sadness. And of course - no comment from the willing!
The Iraq WMD's weren't even real, but you folks want to let Israel nuke Syria and still arm them - not even check the report?Huh? I'm one of Putin's puppets to you, pal, and we're horrified. You no comment as always, we're horrified again! You know - people who think peace is the responsible choice - you call us "the enemy".
Germany and the USA intend to arm Ukraine until it can dictate the terms to Russia for peace.Let's agree that peace and the West are permanent enemies!