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Protests in Leeds, UK

Has anyone heard about the protests? The media has called them "riots", but those involved were protesting.
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
The reports so far I've heard was that it was not a "protest" but started as a family argument.
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Sharon · F
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow The previous (Conservative) UK Government was doing all it could to prevent refugees' cases being heard. The idea was to immediately deport them all to Rwanda. The UK Governement said their cases would considered there but, even if found to be genuine, they would not be allowed back into the UK. This country was becoming more and more like a rogue state. Hopefully the new (Labour) Government will honour its international treaties regarding the treatment of refugees.
@Sharon Yeah and the suggestion that Rwanda was in a position to risk a conflict with the UK by refusing UK deportation flights is just absurd.
Anniedlr · 26-30, F
I think the torching a Bus and damaging a Police car is a bit more than a simple protest as you imply
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@MaryJo1996 I strongly applaud the people who overturned the police car.
Royrogers · 61-69, M
The UK has a number of laws to provide protection for children that place a statutory duty on authorities to act. I have not seen a post where anyone knows the facts.
However the burning of vehicles is beyond a ‘protest’
Matt85 · 36-40, M
I just heard it was a family issue that got out of hand
Alter4Ego · 56-60, M
I heard a few of the locals were protesting about the abolition of hereditary peerages.
@Alter4Ego Wouldn't that be done via a few comments at high tea?
Alter4Ego · 56-60, M
@SomeMichGuy Tiffin no less
Persephonee · 22-25, F
@Alter4Ego No one told me, I'd have joined them :/
Nimbus · M
Oh yea, one of those 'protests' where one makes their environment much, much worse.
A great idea, not.
@Nimbus Their “environment” was already made worse. UK authorities came to their homes and stole their children.
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@Aysel How did the child receive the head injury? This happened before the event. You don't know how they received it, do you? Several children have been stolen from their family, who are a persecuted minority.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
That area is a bit of a potential tinder box by virtue of the various communities in close proximity to each other.

Most of the time people stick to their own and it's a form of 'townships'. (If you remember how South Africa used to be)

So there's an uneasy peace until there's a festival or celebration or, more likely, 'officialdom' in the form of the police or civil enforcement having to enforce law to protect a suspected victim or similar.

And then it'll all kick off after dark.
Usually young men with or without 'consent' from the 'elders' in the community.

Broadwater farm
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Don't make a judgement until the full facts are known (and don't rely upon social media as your source). I'm sure that to anyone living in the neighbourhood, "riot" seems quite an accurate description.
Protesting against what?

It started because a social worker had removed a child from a home.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Morvoren · F
That’s in the far north where the snow never thaws and they have whitewalkers and Greggs.
@Morvoren Leeds is hardly far north. I'm from Carlisle, which if you think Leeds is far north, probably makes Carlisle Arctic!
Morvoren · F
@autumngirl27 I’m Cornish. So Plymouth is the north from my point of view. 🙂
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@Aysel This is very offensive. Do I need to talk to the moderators about you bullying emiliya?
emiliya · 22-25, F
@Aysel What are you talking about? This is my only account, and I barely know who you are.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@SW-User thank you
Probably Leeds United supporters celebrating their 3-0 win over Harrogate on Friday 😆
emiliya · 22-25, F
I heard about them.
Ah yes, those bus burning kind of protests 🔥
@UBotMate They deserve it.
@SW-User It's just criminality, nothing more. It's only a protest against lawful acts.
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Entwistle · 56-60, M
I heard that a child had a suspected head injury and social services tried to get the child checked out medically. Family members protested,cops called and then the protests began.
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