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They're condensation trails, NOT "chemtrails"!

And there's nothing sinister about them. It's just water. That's it. Condensation, i.e. basically artificial clouds created by the particular conditions pertaining to the presence, at high altitude, of temperature and pressure differentials around jet engines.

Then again, since water is a chemical, the most abundant there is, one could, technically, call them that. But they don't cause infertility in the people below them on the ground, nor do they make one stupid, although I have to wonder about that sometimes, LOL. 😂

AJS30 · 31-35, M
Chemtrails aren't contrails. Contrails disappear quickly. Chemtrails stay in a sky a long time, spread out and make the sky look like shit. I've seen contrails and chemtrails in the sky at the same time. They're two different things.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@AJS30 Your profile says you're in your early 30's. That figures. You wouldn't remember the 1970's and 1980's when a person, for a fairly large sum of money, could pay a pilot to perform what they used to call 'skywriting'.
Messages could be written in the sky, and the message would last for a fairly long time before it dissipated. It's what people used to do before they could text each other, back in the ole Stone Age.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Bellatrix2024 I believe you can still find companies that do it to this day. I could be wrong, though.
swirlie · 31-35, F
Those 'sky writing' services are still available and are widely used up and down the eastern seaboard coast of the State of Florida all year long. The chemical that is used for skywriting is a mineral oil-based liquid that is injected into the exhaust system of the aircraft where it turns to smoke as it becomes super-heated. Other applications use smoke-generators mounted underneath the wing which achieve the same objective.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
Curious who will argue with you.
gol979 · 41-45, M
Explain cloud seeding?

Explain stratospheric aerosol injection?

And what is Operation Popeye?
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Bellatrix2024 well look at Operation Popeye. Literal weather manipulation used in war. You can lead a horse to water..........
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@gol979 So Operation Popeye actually took place. Okay. What's your point here, why did you bring that up? Did it actually work as intended? No.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@gol979 Okay, but what about Operation Dісktrоӏӏ? Or Operation Stuріԁаss?
Stephie · 22-25, F
In aviation parlance, they are called "contrails" and no, there is indeed nothing chemical that will fall to earth and stupidify mankind even more than it is now.

Or could they?
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@Stephie Hi Stephie! ♥😊
Stephie · 22-25, F
@Bellatrix2024 Hi Bellatrix, good to see you 😘
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Carla · 61-69, F
@jshm2 no...we boomers can distinguish between contrails from a jet and cropdusting.
Let me rephrase... most of we boomers...
Ice is heavy.. it falls out the sky.
Steam dissipates..

They both do NOT hang in straight lines for hrs and hrs…

InHeaven · F
@Bellatrix2024 nothing can force you to see if you wish to remain blind NO MATTER WHAT 🤷‍♀
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
@InHeaven You don't need to take my word for it. Look into this yourself. You'll see that I'm right.
InHeaven · F
@Bellatrix2024 I looked…and Im seeing you are not right …
496sbc · 36-40, M
Do you know why jets do this even old gas engine over a certain altitude
swirlie · 31-35, F
A by-product of combustion is water vapor, regardless of what the combustion material is comprised of. In the case of your example, the combustion material is petroleum-based fuel. When the jet's fuel is burnt, the water vapor by-product is expelled out the tailpipe of each engine along with other by-products of combustion, such as carbon.

The only time a contrail will form is if the humidity level of the surrounding air is very high at high altitude, which means that surrounding air containing high humidity is being burnt during the combustion process.

The reason the contrail then forms is because the added water vapor to the surrounding air from the by-product of water vapor from the combustion process, causes those exhaust gases to become super-saturated with water vapor which then forms a horizontal column of fog behind each engine known as a condensation trail.

If the surrounding air is very dry however, a contrail will not form at high altitude because that column of exhaust gas will not be super-saturated with water vapor due to the surrounding dry air which subsequently absorbs all moisture, despite water vapor being added to that surrounding air mass from the water vapor created within the engine exhaust from the combustion process.

A contrail will only form at high altitude where cirrus cloud is typically found, but will not form at lower altitude because the ambient air temperature is too warm and therefore will absorb any water vapor which high altitude air masses are incapable of absorbing.

I should also point out that any fog forming behind each engine is dependent upon the presence of a single carbon particle also being present which the water vapor then sticks to and accumulates around, thereby giving the fog it's visual appearance to us as observed from the ground.

Simple clouds that form in the sky are also dependent on particles of matter being present before the cloud will form and become visible.

Those particles of matter are generally dust and air pollution. The darker the clouds, the more dirt particles are contained within that cloud mass and the more water vapor will subsequently stick to each moisture-laden dust particle, eventually become so heavy that it cannot remain airborne, which then falls as rain.

Water vapor that forms around a particle of air pollution will fall as 'acid rain', which is rainwater that is very acidic from the air pollutants originating from cars and factories.

This is also how 'cloud seeding' works and yes, cloud seeding actually does work, but not very well, nor for very long.

Cloud seeding is merely dropping particles of matter from an aircraft (such as fine salt) which then acts as the foreign matter particulate which any surrounding water vapor will then hopefully will stick to, thereby forming a cloud, thereby falling as rain, but assumes that the salt particles are dropped into an air mass that is very humid to begin with and contains a Dew Point close to 100%, which technically speaking is visible cloud.

Cloud seeding works in theory, but is highly impractical and really expensive. The only time cloud seeding works well is if salt particles are dropped down into the eye of a hurricane which contains a lot of moisture anyway, which means the salt provides a medium for the moisture to stick to and then fall as rain.

But as we all know, who needs more rain derived from cloud seeding when a hurricane arrives, right?
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
Cloud seeding works in theory, but is highly impractical and really expensive

Yes. In theory.
swirlie · 31-35, F
It also works in practice but those results are both an expensive lesson in rain-making as well as a stark disappointment in the net result of what actually falls to the ground as harvested rain.

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