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Scummo Conspiracy Theory 1.0

As Australians and some others here will know the Story of our former Prime Minister Scott Morrison (recently removed from office in landslide election he was at least partly responsible for) who secretly had himself appointed to no less than five other senior ministerial roles including Treasurer, Finance Minister, Health minister and Home Affairs minster. These appointments were in addition to the other men appointed to the tasks and kept secret from not only the Australian public. But in all but one case, the men who had the jobs officially.
To put this in perspective for the Americans. This is like the President declaring himself to be the Attorney General, the head of Homeland Security, Secretary for Health, and the Treasury and not even telling the people he could overrule them or do stuff without telling them.
Everyone caught up?
So Scummo is out of office now and just a lowly back bencher with a nice cushy job for three years. But all this has come out and people want to know why he did it.. Its seems its not actually illegal, because no one ever considerd anyone would do it.. But why? So far the excuses are pretty thin and related to emergency powers in a pandemic, which dont hold water, considering his slack attitude to the whole thing and his job in general. (One of the favoured attack ads in the campaign against him was him repeating "Thats not my job" over and over).
So heres my theory. This man is a deeply religious member of an evangelical church with some strange connections. I think he has become a sucker for the "Laws of Attraction" and taken steps to draw power to himself in the belief that god will present him with the opportunity to become the Great Australian Dictator, or our version of Trump.
Sadly for him, it didnt happen.. But it could have. They are both failed marketing men..😷
Adstar · 56-60, M
Talk about beating a dead horse.. He is no longer prime minister and he is no longer on the front bench, he is aback bencher.. listening to some of the hyper ranting media you would think he had killed a kitten or something... There just seems to be a lot of petty media types who just want to destroy him because he had the audacity to win an election against their leftist allies in the Labour party..

And your loony conspiracy theories are just funny.. Great Australian dictator🤪 ??? get a life.🤣
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Adstar You had me until "leftist". Scummo was a figurehead. (Thats the lump of wood at the front of the ship) to keep Dutton out of office last time. And I am sure he thinks he could have come charging over the hill and saved the day for a grateful nation in the case of a right wing coup be the hard right..Evidence? None. Except that the former minister for everything is now on the back bench while Dutton is now leading the Liberals into the wolderness and tha National party suddenly looks moderate by comparison..😷
Adstar · 56-60, M
@whowasthatmaskedman The ironic thing is Scummo and the liberal party over the last two terms has been the most left leaning high spending least conservative party i have ever seen.. Hard right??? you have to be joking.. He ran an almost pink government, our national debt skyrocketed during his tenure because of his big spending programs.. Your view is a manufactured one by media not one established by observing for yourself the actual policies and performance of the government He ran.. He was the most leftist supposed conservative in Australia's political history..
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Adstar Au Contrere. The govt spending/deficit ratio was thrown off during our resources boom when bonus profits where giving out as tax cuts to keep the Howard government in office. But dont let the facts get in the way of your story. I cant wait for you to get to the part where we learn Dutton is Voldemort.😷
Hey its not just you guys frumunda, that see the gigantic flaw in self serving government.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@checkoutanytime How does that have anything to do with Australia?
@zonavar68 the queen
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@checkoutanytime Queen Amidala is the only queen I chose to recognise
deadgerbil · 26-30
Give him a break. He just wanted to make Australia great again 😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@deadgerbil Isnt that what I just said??😷
Northwest · M
Yes, we're all too familiar with the tactic. Trump did it for 4 years, and did it in a very public fashion, and when he did not like the person in charge, he fired them and appointed someone else. We know why Trump did it, so what's your guy's excuse?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Northwest His Excuse is that he needed to be able to react quickly in matters related to the Pandemic. Having failed to stop it entering (The states individually did a brilliiant job of shutting down the first wave, even isolating the one state that failed to hold it.) and being too slow in ordering up Vaccines and proper quarantine hubs. The one time he exercised the power was to stop a gas drilling permit, over the head of the resources Minister. Completely unrelated to the Pandemic.😷
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@whowasthatmaskedman Scomo was frightened by the powers that Greg Hunt as federal health minister had at his disposal, but Scomo should have been more worried about the World Health Organisation (a branch of the UN, just like the WEF) wanting Australia to sign up for an agreement which would permit the WHO, not the Australian government, to make health orders and directives at a federal level in relation to lockdowns, forced vaccinations, etc.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@zonavar68 Woulda shoulda coulda didnt. And his health minister was already slated to retire at the election. Having been persuaded to stay one more term..😷
Carla · 61-69, F
Is your guy trying to take his power back, by any means necessary?
Yeah...he isn't a *strong* wannabe dictator if he isn't.
Good for y'all for getting him out(kind of) though.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Carla Thanks. I am tempted to take a victory lap on it. Just to show we know how to deal with maniacs like this. Of course, like everyone else, we still have the economy to deal with..😷
nedkelly · 61-69, M
I believe that as he was the prime minister he would have the final say in the matter, it is a bad look and Albo will milk this for all it’s worth.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Ah, its that old adage, 'if its not broke, don't fix it'. Surely we wont let anyone do this kind of shit in the future.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Good of you to at least talk about the situation there.

Not enough from other countries have done so on here.
Ozdharma · 61-69, M
He is a egomaniacal religious nutter they ought to throw him out of parliament
You're lying. I'm going to tell the Canadian Qanon Queen on you.
Really · 80-89, M
To put this in perspective for the Americans. This is like the President declaring himself to be the Attorney General, the head of Homeland Security, Secretary for Health, and the Treasury and not even telling the people he could overrule them or do stuff without telling them.

Americans could be excused for thinking this is normal
Khenpal1 · M
don't ask Americans . Trump is god for some 😂
It's a weird world we've stumbled into.
Wiseacre · F
Be glad it didn’t happen..something to celebrate!
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
[image/video deleted]
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@KiwiBird Not to worry. The job he is guaranteed for the next few years pays him way more for doing a lot less, and no one checking his work...😷

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