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Trump and Vance facing multiple charges from Haitians in Springfield.

A nonprofit group in Springfield are bringing charges against them .
The Haitians can still prosecute Trump from Haiti via a lawyer for whatever reason. They still will be deported, it's a 100% certain at this point.
@DocSavage I went to springfield last week. They are causing alot of chaos with illegal driving (same as pittsburghz we had a illegal alien unlawfully driving here, killed a guy). And they caused rent to explode, and the community gets very little in return. For the few who got their ducks in a row legally, and have a green card now, they can stay, but the vast majority are illegals. The community wants them gone. I went there and questioned people, made a post on it.
DocSavage · M
Do you believe it justifies the lie ? That’s the question.
Trump and Vance made up the story. That is still against the law, and regardless, they are here legally. Your post doesn’t change any of that.
@DocSavage says
They’re here legally in Springfield.
Not only are they here legally, many of them were admitted by the Trump admin. Refugees from Haiti had Temporary Protected Status for most of the Trump admin.

And according to the WSJ,
...This recent wave of Haitian immigrants was initially welcomed. The town’s fortunes had declined alongside those of the rest of the Rust Belt, with the population dropping from 83,000 in 1960 to 59,000 in 2020. The pandemic created a crunch in the available labor force as many workers stayed home out of choice or necessity, collecting stimulus checks.

... The local economy boomed. Business owners said they were grateful to have workers eager to work long shifts and do what it took to meet production goals. New subdivisions sprung up in the cornfields outside town. New restaurants opened. The Haitian flag flew at City Hall.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
It's funny you posting this considering the nearly 8 years of lies the Dems have pushing to go after Trump. Hillary should be in prison for tampering with evidence and the Steel dossier.
@Gibbon kams just got caught colluding with Iran to spy on trump..
will there be a media outrage and 2 impeachments like Russia Russia Russia? 🍿
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout You'd think we could get out the popcorn and have something to watch but we both know nothing will come of it because the media are the Dems lap dogs.
Lolz. Non citizens can sue now..
Smell the desperation of the failing dems..

You should impeach him for eating pizza with a knife n fork..
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SeaGlass · F
We should all probably get in on a class-action suit at this point, tbh
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Truth hurts DONIT

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