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“Kamala Was the Worst Student Ever”

Howard University Professors Confirm: “Kamala Was the Worst Student Ever”
phumikhmer3 September 13, 2024

In an unexpected revelation that’s sure to send shockwaves through the political world, a group of retired professors from Howard University have come forward to share what can only be described as a truly bizarre chapter in the history of the school: Vice President Kamala Harris, they claim, was their “worst student ever.”

Yes, you read that right. Kamala Harris, the woman currently a heartbeat away from the presidency and poised to potentially lead the free world, was apparently not just a bad student but the worst to ever grace the halls of Howard University. And these professors are not holding back.

“It was like teaching a cat to play chess,” said Professor Emeritus Gerald Barnes, who still shakes his head whenever he recalls Harris’s time in his Introduction to Political Science class. “Kamala had this strange way of answering questions. If I asked her what the Constitution was, she’d smile that famous smile of hers and say, ‘The Constitution is a living document… full of potential, just like all of us.’ I mean, what does that even mean?”
According to Barnes, Harris was notorious for her ability to speak at length without actually saying anything. “I’d ask her a simple question about the three branches of government, and by the end of her answer, we’d somehow be talking about jazz music and the importance of self-expression. I still don’t know how she did it.”

Professor Meredith Johnston, who taught Harris in her Constitutional Law class, agreed. “Kamala was the queen of answering a question with a question. I’d ask her to define judicial review, and she’d reply, ‘But professor, shouldn’t we first ask ourselves, what is justice?’ It was maddening. And when I’d press her for a straight answer, she’d just laugh that signature laugh and say, ‘Come on, professor, don’t be so serious!’”

One of the most baffling aspects of Harris’s academic career, according to her former professors, was her remarkable ability to dodge any real engagement with the material. “I once asked her to write a paper on the separation of powers,” said Professor Franklin Davis, now retired but still haunted by the experience. “She turned in 12 pages on why power itself is an illusion, quoting Gandhi, Bob Dylan, and, for some reason, Kermit the Frog. I still don’t understand what I was supposed to take away from that.”
Davis recalls how he tried to give Harris a chance to explain herself. “I called her into my office to discuss the paper, and instead of explaining her thesis, she spent 45 minutes talking about how much she admired strong women in history—before asking if we could switch the topic to ‘the role of women in the founding of the Constitution.’ I mean, I appreciated her enthusiasm, but the girl just couldn’t stay on track!”

Perhaps the most legendary story comes from Harris’s time in her debate class, where she was supposed to argue for or against a proposed bill. Professor Judith Walters, who ran the course for 30 years, says she will never forget what happened when it was Kamala’s turn to take the stage.

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Elessar · 26-30, M
Trump doesn't know the colors of the stripes of the US flag, let alone having an education (that isn't from some easy peasy "pay to get a degree" private school) and you have no problems with that.

AOC has a pretty decent academic record last I checked and you hate her still.

It's almost like education doesn't really matter to you, does it?
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Adrift Because at least over here we have a thing called "free time" once our work shift is over? You should try it too
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Elessar · 26-30, M
@Adrift 16h (24h minus 8h of a full time shift). It's the bare minimum, eh.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
I would say that what you wrote is potentially true. She truly is never on topic. I shudder at the thought of her ever being president.
JSul3 · 70-79
@hippyjoe1955 So glad you have no voice (aka vote) in the matter.
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JSul3 · 70-79
Fake News.

Welcome to our website, owned and operated by Funky Productions LLC. We are a team of writers and editors based in New York, USA. Our mission? To bring you the freshest fake news, some sassy analysis, and a good dose of satire, all rolled into one crazy concoction that orbits around Elon Musk and everything that’s lighting up the viral/trending charts.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@JSul3 And they accuse traditional news as fake 😁
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@JSul3 Go figure, the dinosaur with his walnut sized brain missed that.
Oh no, she thought for herself instead of reproducing the textbook answers the teachers wanted?
@IM5688 this is something every politician worldwide does. That is a problem for sure, but why do you only want to focus on Harris and not the problem in general?
IM5688 · 61-69, M
@NerdyPotato The original article I posted focused on Harris, so Harris is the subject. Since she is running for POTUS, it is only natural to focus on her education among other things concerning her.
Trump's education, or lack thereof, seems not to be under scrutiny as much as Harris's because he presents himself better. He doesn't speak to people like they are all three year olds and his answers, (even though he doesn't always answer the question,) are not senseless word salads.
As for the problem in general, if you're getting into the subject of education, yes our educational system is not the greatest. There are many other countries producing far more intelligent people because of better education practices and disciplines, but that's another subject for another discussion.
Trump's education, or lack thereof, seems not to be under scrutiny as much as Harris's because he presents himself better. He doesn't speak to people like they are all three year olds and his answers, (even though he doesn't always answer the question,) are not senseless word salads.


If you're serious about that, we're done. I can't comment on a different universe, but if that's true and you elect him in your world, please only do so there and make sure his win doesn't leak into the timeline where the rest of society lives.
Harris was notorious for her ability to speak at length without actually saying anything

I experienced this phenomenon in the corporate world...some people happen to be fairly articulate when spewing nonsense. I learned that many people don't listen to what these people are saying, but instead, they listen to how the message is delivered. It only bought the person delivering the message a few extra months until they were ultimately fired.
MoveAlong · 70-79, M
The "worst student ever" will soon be your President.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Cool. Now find an unbiased article talking about Donald Trump's grades.
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JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@windinhishair I like the part where she quoted Kermit the Frog. Well I guess if they believe people are eating pets, they'll believe anything.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@JimboSaturn These people would vote for Kermit the Frog and believe he is a real person.
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