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Right wing websites in decline

We've all heard how CNN and other so-called "left wing" news outlets have lost viewers. However, the decline in readership of right wing websites has been even more dramatic.

Breitbart leads the pack with a drop of 87% over the last four years. This can be attributed to their business model of relying on Facebook posts to publicize stories; now that Facebook is mostly targeted ads, their stories aren't being viewed and shared as much.

The jump in Newsmax readership may be due solely to Tucker Carlson's move to the site from Fox.

Here's a chart with the corresponding drop in non-right wing sites.

Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Right-wing anything is hate or fear based and even supporters of it can only take so much.

Left-wing anything has gone so long without any 'good news' that too is a turn off.

Can't speak for American news outlets but in the UK decisions were made some years ago to cut funding for investigative journalism due to either falling sales (in the case of print media) or cuts to overseas correspondents due to expense.

Consequently many so called 'news stories' often start with a sensationalist byline and by the time you get to paragraph 2 you'll see/hear the words
A new report suggests.
And as you get into it you see that the story is nothing more than some think-tank statement with an obvious favourable slant to whatever their agenda is.

Whether this is a deliberate act to promote an agenda and to stifle debate and discussion on contentious issues or there really is nothing new to report is hard to know without the independent Journalists reports from foreign climbs.
gol979 · 41-45, M
@Picklebobble2 yep. Its not a left/right issue......its a reality issue and the "reality" pushed by mainstream (left or right) is becoming increasingly stranger, hypocritical, paradoxical and silly. People are starting to realise this and hence the drop in people engaging with these outlets
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
This is 100% True and ALL of the Left were warned that it was going to happen.

Because the Majority of the Right has gone back to more normal means of communications that are extremely hard to track.

I was talking to someone from Nome, Alaska the other day via short-wave radio (I live on the US East Coast). No Cell Phone, WI-FI, or Cable type of data was used.

So live with it. You're getting what you deserve. Which is Silence.
@dakotaviper There's nothing to "warn," all this shows is that people aren't getting their information from web sites.

If you think a majority of right wingers are communicating via short wave radio, you're delusional. We would see a spike in short wave licenses if that happened. Are you guys writing letters to each other?
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
@LeopoldBloom Short wave radio licenses you say. Well you don't need a license for a CB radio. I've got a early 1990's Midland hooked up to a 100w booster and a Wilson 2000 antennae. I was on sideband level 2 channel 8. The last time I checked, you still didn't need a license for this type of setup.
@dakotaviper That's correct, but it's impossible to fact check. Also, if you're using CB radio to organize anything violent, you're going to get caught because you have no idea who is listening to you.

Isn't CB mostly truckers telling each other where the highway patrol is?

zonavar68 · 56-60, M
I bet Twitter-X and Truth Social are winning, but Truth Social is geoblocked outside the USA.
@zonavar68 Twitter has had a massive loss of viewers since Musk took over, and TruthSocial is close to bankruptcy.
This is a great post; thanks!
LeftWingProgressive · 22-25, T
this music to my ears it is
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@jshm2 It's more that people aren't getting information from news websites, but the decline is steeper on the right.
Ynotisay · M
@LeopoldBloom You're right. They're not getting news from news sites. They're getting it from each other. And the news sites themselves are changing. Real journalists don't come cheap and when revenue streams dry up they get axed and those staying are asked to do more so the quality is impacted.

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