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Faux News? senior Fox News figures knew after 2020 election voter fraud claims were false

Poll - Total Votes: 17
Fox is an Ethical news outlet
Fox is primarily porpaganda and opinon
most major media are more interested in proift than informing us
there are still many reputable news outlets, I will name some below
news as it was once known is dead or dying.
I think the reporting workd is still doing its job
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Fox and its producers and performers were lying as part of their business model.

Fox News’s repetition of Donald Trump’s lie that his 2020 defeat by Joe Biden was the result of electoral fraud, including claims about Dominion voting machines.
the filing “establishes that Fox was not only reckless” but also that producers, owners and personalities were “deliberately lying and knew they were lying about the nature of Dominion’s machines and the supposed way they could be manipulated

Filed last week, the 192-page court review document makes it clear that senior figures at Fox News from Rupert Murdoch down knew immediately after the election that claims of voter fraud, in particular those aimed at Dominion, were false.

about the dominion story :
Tucker Carlson : “ludicrous” and “off the rails”

Sean Hannity texted about “F’ing lunatics”

You’re allowed to be biased … you’re allowed to try to make money. And people should be able to disagree with each other in a newsroom. But if Fox anchors say they don’t believe X and then turn around and endorse X on air after expressing manifest disbelief in it, they have a real problem

but will this make any difference to the loyal Faux news Watchers?

stay tuned for further developments
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So…. You’re saying this guy got 81M legit votes? 🤔
Just gauging the source here….

@SatyrService lolz.
Your just upset that everyone can see the bullshit you try to sell for 2 years..

Go cry somewhere else
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout you go no idea what I am about. you assume there are only two kind sof peop-le in the world. your kind, and the ones you fear.

I am neither
You’re pissed off because of one journo out of a whole planet did his job.. objectively.

Nope your right. Tucker should just read the script handed to him by his liberal masters… what’s that channel you get your news from again?
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
When you believe in a conspiracy, all contrary evidence just entrenches their beliefs.

Of course the election wasn't rigged. No amount of proof will convince them to the contrary.
Ynotisay · M
@CountScrofula There you go. I'd say "alternative facts" falls under that banner too. So does Trump's definition of "fake news." It's all so BLATANTLY obvious and I think it blindsided a lot of people. Not sure many knew just how EASY it would be to convince people that the sky is actually green. Don't believe what you see. Believe what I say. Hell, hundreds of thousands of people DIED because they were convinced that Covid was a "hoax" intended to control people. It's mind numbing and does NOT bode well for the future.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Ynotisay Yeah I think it is fair to say that the future is completely fucked. Distant future, who knows. Next couple decades? It will only get worse.

Even if there's some sort of powerful wonderulf struggle to create a newer better world, that struggle will be bloody, violent, and take a very long time.
Ynotisay · M
@CountScrofula I might be a little more optimistic, just a little, but there's little question that the genie is out of the bottle when it comes to misinformation. And that's not a uniquely American issue. We're just more predisposed to whining and blaming than other nations. So "we're" primed for it.
Ynotisay · M
The problem is that way too many people see what happens at FOX and extrapolate that out to represent "the media." A phrase that drives me insane. But it's perfectly American. If we can whine, complain, blame and feel like others make us do what "they" want then we're all in. The reality is that the last five years have been a golden age of journalism. Incredible work is being done. But that's not what sells. PEOPLE are ultimately responsible for what they consume. And the false equivalencies between fact-based reporting and propaganda need to end. But that won't happen until people understand the difference. And I think it's safe to say that most don't.
The BBC, CNN, and MSNBC may be biased, but they don't tell outright lies. This is why I don't like when people say you can't trust "the media." Some of the media doesn't tell the whole story, but most of the media doesn't lie like right-wing media.
calicuz · 56-60, M
It's all about each news organization picking a side to promote and then raking in the dollars from that side.
In the business world it's called "sharing the market" kinda like Coke and Pepsi "share" the soda market and aren't really competing with each other.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
There wasn’t wide scale voter fraud nor was there an attempted coup on 1/6.

However, there was fraud.

One fraud was named Biden, the other Trump. Both have their storytellers which we now mistakenly call “news”.
@Adogslife Sorry, dude, "bothsidesism" is insufficient. Trump told thousands of lies; Biden told dozens. There's no equating the two.

The stated goal of Jan 6, to halt the counting of electoral votes and thus halt Biden becoming president, fits the definition of insurrection.
@Adogslife i got to say I like this
Fox started as a propaganda station and continies to be one. Fox has gone completely off the rails with conspiracies and outright lies. Roger Ailes worked for Nixon, Reagan, HW Bush and Rudy's NYC mayoral campaign. Roger understood the power of broadcasting propaganda to the disenfranchised people of the United States. Tucker is a disgrace a carnival act. At this point Tucker would drop his pants for ratings. Lying to sell commercials.
@Pitchblue and now they are all revealed by thier own words... hahahahaha
@SatyrService Not really. The Fox viewers still don't know they are lying. Billion dollar law suits but they will never get that information on Fox News.
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
Fox News keeps comedy noir alive and well, thank you for your service to furs every were. I love you, Tucker Carlson! You too Gutfeld, not. No, but honestly, thank you Fox, you graceful vulpine. Murrrffff
I would avoid conflating some of the stories about the Dominion machines with other things that were happening.
@CheekyBadger i would suggest, that if they did this on THIS issue? they do this on MANY issues.
i have fact checked many Fox Tails. terms like "some say" and other dissemblances proliferate on this outlet.
this practice seems to be endemic, on many Opinion Media

thanks much for taking part
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
According to @BizSuitStacy FOX is "controlled oposition"

@Kwek00 [...] Idiotic comment no. 1...Fox News is controlled opposition. [...]

SOURCE: https://similarworlds.com/politics/4617566-What-Has-Trump-Accomplish-in-His-Presidency
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
All news is faux news
Those who are tying a band on their eyes, and believing in faux news 🗞 are corrupt and biased. Lol…they don’t see that they’re becoming the laughing stock of the century. 🤭
Zonuss · 46-50, M
We all know that it was a big fat lie.
@Zonuss yup
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I mean, pretty much everybody but their target audience figured out they were full of shit years ago, but unfortunately, I think Tucker and Sean are right. Their loyal viewers are a bunch of deranged idiots, and this won't make a bit of difference to them.

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