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Republicans in Congress like to portray themselves as supporters of the police.

Yet, most have total disregard for the common sense gun policy recommendations of the Association of Chiefs of Police.
Curiously enough, most GUN OWNERS support common sense gun legislation! But the gun fetishists and the NRA make far more noise.

HellsBelle · 36-40, F
Please stop making it a "this side or that side" battle. Try to grow a solid country instead. Peace;
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@GrinNude It is just so disturbing that you call out one party for ALL the bad things. It is simply not true. 56-60 eh? Hopefully you die off soon.
GrinNude · 61-69, C
@HellsBelle Best wishes to you also.
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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M

President Biden famously expressed support for the Defund the Police movement during an interview in 2020 but was forced to walk back his position after public backlash to his position.
Vice President Kamala Harris applauded Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for defunding the police.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said, “defunding police means defunding police.” Arguing the cuts to the NYPD weren’t enough.
Rep. Ayanna Pressley said she supports efforts to defund police departments.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib called for ‘no more police.’
Rep. Ilhan Omar said “not only do we need to defund, we need to dismantle” Police Departments.
Rep. Cori Bush said that she would “make sure” she has private security for her protection while simultaneously promising to defund the police for the rest of America.
President Biden’s Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke supported efforts to “defund the police.”
President Biden’s Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta said officials must heed calls to “decrease police budgets and the scope, role, and responsibility of police in our lives.”
President Biden’s Secretary of Labor, Marty Walsh, proposed a budget to divert funding from law enforcement.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
If you think for a moment that gun rights supporters are gonna hand this country over to the UN and let them put us under a one-world totalitarian govt. you are kidding yourself.
GrinNude · 61-69, C
@cherokeepatti The IACP does not promote any of that nonsense.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@GrinNude who gives a flying f*ck what the IACP promotes or doesn’t promote?
TexChik · F
Repubicans support AMERICAN police and uphold and defend the constitution of the United States.
GrinNude · 61-69, C
@TexChik Yet they ignore the gun policy recommendations of American Chiefs of Police.
TexChik · F
@GrinNude You obviously have no concept of America or the constitution. Police chiefs do not make law or policy. Many police chiefs are liberal hacks that do not enforce the law. They are not elected officials and their opinions are theirs and theirs alone.
They also certainly didn’t show much support for the police who were guarding the Capitol building on January 6, 2021.
GrinNude · 61-69, C
Gun lobby money screams louder than slaughtered children. Drain the swamp.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
The difference between a conservative and a liberal is a conservative believes that things are basically good and should be maintained. A liberal believes everything is evil and must be destroyed and rebuilt. Sadly that in itself is futile since once it is built it is evil and must be destroyed and rebuilt.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Of course, because police are agents of government tasked with enforcing government policy and agendas.
redredred · M
You already have 20,000 gun laws on the books, were none of those sensible? Do you honestly believe we need “just one more” and all will be rainbows and unicorns?

Maybe, just maybe it’s fifty years of cultural breakdown, psychotropic drugs handed out like candy for everything and prosecutors and DAs refusing to prosecute effectively.
Viper · M
The also act like they support the Constitution, and then they support the President that tries to disregard the constitution...

They also act like they support saving money, until they get in power, and then they spend crazy like the democrats.
International laws do not apply to Americans, now you know 🙄
GrinNude · 61-69, C
@checkoutanytime the ban on assault style weapons that the Republicans allowed to expire was not international law.
@GrinNude probably not. International law has little to no meaning, under state law.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
What a surprise.
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