The Wind Is Fierce Today…..
Was windy when I went to Oklahoma City for a medical checkup, got worse, went to a restaurant for lunch….plastic bags flying up across the streets, trash carts flipped over, looked like floors mats and other stuff in the streets blown off of pickup trucks. Drove back towards home fighting the winds to keep the car straight on the road. Went to Walmart by the house to get a couple of things. The older lady that was greeting was laying on the concrete in front of the door when I was coming out of the store, someone said the wind knocked her down and 4 or 5 workers were trying to pick her up to put her on a handicap shopping cart. The winds were a lot stronger going out than in, leaves and trash blowing up in the park lot hitting me in the face. Figured all of the trash carts would be laid over since it’s trash & recycle day, and they were with a lot of the trash blown out into the street. Got home & mine was too, had to pick up bags of trash and sit it up. Came in with my stuff. Remembered that I left my Ipad out in the car. Went back out and opened the door and tree branch cracked and fell, felt the tip of a smaller branch hit me. I’m staying inside till this is over. Gusts up to 60 mph.