BizSuitStacy · M
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
@BizSuitStacy just started mine. i take a pic this arvo..
BizSuitStacy · M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout mine are petering out as the weather is getting too hot, but the green bean vines thrive in heat and will produce soon.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
i bet that took some patience, well done
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Has it gone to seed?
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
@WillaKissing I don’t know what that means.. I’m new at this 🤓
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout The balled-up ends of the Broccoli look like they have started to turn into seed pods. When they ball up and close over, they are making seeds inside the ball.
OogieBoogie · F
@WillaKissing nope's still good .
When it starts to go to seed those little green buds will loosen and open up and form yellow flowers which then produce the seed.
It's looks like it should be cut off now. It's nice and dark and still tight .
When it starts to go to seed those little green buds will loosen and open up and form yellow flowers which then produce the seed.
It's looks like it should be cut off now. It's nice and dark and still tight .
OogieBoogie · F
Just a tip for future gotta fertilise broccoli like you would flowers .
In short you have 3 main elements in fertilizers :
Nitrogen is for leaves
Phosphorus is for flowers /fruit
Potassium is for roots
All fertilizers have different ratios .
Ie 3:1:2. Usually in the same order N:P:K (but not always so check)
You have a lot of leaf there and not much head. You need more head, (stop laughing) .ie: more phosphorus next time you plant .
If those tight little green nubs start to open - harvest it .
You might get some side shoots later in the season you can harvest .
This has happened to me's a learning curve .
All veggies require different ratios of fertilizer .
You just have to think of what it is you are growing the plant for : leaves? Fruit/flowers? Or roots ?
Edit: it can also get fancy when they first start to grow you give them nitrogen for leaves to grow to feed the plant , THEN you switch it over to phosphorus for bud growth know weed🤗
In short you have 3 main elements in fertilizers :
Nitrogen is for leaves
Phosphorus is for flowers /fruit
Potassium is for roots
All fertilizers have different ratios .
Ie 3:1:2. Usually in the same order N:P:K (but not always so check)
You have a lot of leaf there and not much head. You need more head, (stop laughing) .ie: more phosphorus next time you plant .
If those tight little green nubs start to open - harvest it .
You might get some side shoots later in the season you can harvest .
This has happened to me's a learning curve .
All veggies require different ratios of fertilizer .
You just have to think of what it is you are growing the plant for : leaves? Fruit/flowers? Or roots ?
Edit: it can also get fancy when they first start to grow you give them nitrogen for leaves to grow to feed the plant , THEN you switch it over to phosphorus for bud growth know weed🤗
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OogieBoogie · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout 😂
Well no-one ....but have you seen how it grows in the wild ?'s basically animal fodder.
Wild broccoli -
- SUPER leafy...and tiny flower heads
(Lots of nitrogen)
Cultivated broccoli -- less leaves ...and massive flower head .
(Lots of phosphorus)'
We've spent thousands of years fine-tuning wild plants into what we optimally want. But its in their base genetic nature to revert back if we don't nurture them into what we want .
It's why we do all those seemingly fussy little things like prune, and tip, and fertilize ....all little pokes in the right direction .
Believe me, when you get the hang of it, there ain't nothing like fresh picked carrots or corn or strawberries ....the taste is so much sweeter and tastier .
If you want something super easy to grow ...go spuds. Ya just shove them in the ground, (or even a hay bale apparently)...and leave it .
They make babies all by themselves, and you can dig them up whenever you want .
So you can leave them for months and have huge spuds ...or dig them up when they are small and have 'new potatoes'.
Just so long as you leave a few in the ground - they keep multiplying .
(Just don't let their soil get soggy or let them be exposed to sunlight - they go green)
It ain't as hard as it seems . Just learn one veggie at a time 🤷
You're doing really well. You shoulda seen my first broccoli 😆
I checked - to make it easy need a 5:10:10 fert.
Prolly also advertised as a 1:2:2 fert
Well no-one ....but have you seen how it grows in the wild ?'s basically animal fodder.
Wild broccoli -
- SUPER leafy...and tiny flower heads
(Lots of nitrogen)
Cultivated broccoli -- less leaves ...and massive flower head .
(Lots of phosphorus)'
We've spent thousands of years fine-tuning wild plants into what we optimally want. But its in their base genetic nature to revert back if we don't nurture them into what we want .
It's why we do all those seemingly fussy little things like prune, and tip, and fertilize ....all little pokes in the right direction .
Believe me, when you get the hang of it, there ain't nothing like fresh picked carrots or corn or strawberries ....the taste is so much sweeter and tastier .
If you want something super easy to grow ...go spuds. Ya just shove them in the ground, (or even a hay bale apparently)...and leave it .
They make babies all by themselves, and you can dig them up whenever you want .
So you can leave them for months and have huge spuds ...or dig them up when they are small and have 'new potatoes'.
Just so long as you leave a few in the ground - they keep multiplying .
(Just don't let their soil get soggy or let them be exposed to sunlight - they go green)
It ain't as hard as it seems . Just learn one veggie at a time 🤷
You're doing really well. You shoulda seen my first broccoli 😆
I checked - to make it easy need a 5:10:10 fert.
Prolly also advertised as a 1:2:2 fert
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
@OogieBoogie if i go yo bunnings and ask for phosphorus and nitrogen.. will i end up on a terror watch list? 😳
OogieBoogie · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Nah, only if you ask for Ammonium Nitrate 😏.
Bunnings are terrific, if you ask,they'll find some enthusiastic person who'l give you more information than you need ....and the right fertilizer.👍
Bunnings are terrific, if you ask,they'll find some enthusiastic person who'l give you more information than you need ....and the right fertilizer.👍
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Yay! Congrats.
Also...neat! I've never seen broccoli growing before😁
Also...neat! I've never seen broccoli growing before😁
De watered sewerage fertilizer
Lilnonames · F