Slayer Metallica Anthrax Black Sabbath Iron Maiden Rob Zombie
I wouldn't say better for worse than the studio, its a different vibe live. All the bands listed above have an energy between them that makes them greater than the sum of their parts.
I saw The Beatles twice. The first time the screaming was so loud I didn't know what songs they did until I read about it in the paper the next day. The next time it was outdoors in the rain and they were out-of-tune and off-key and bad. They quit touring very soon after that.
Very few of the 'named' bands I have seen have disappointed live. There's something about seeing a live band, especially a famous one, as everyone is there to share in the same experience. This is different from listening at home as that tends to be a singular experience enjoyed by yourself.
Far be it from me to tell you what music you should like but if you do like anyone and they are still touring, my advice would be to go and see them and share in the experience with hundreds or thousands of other like-minded fans.
I've seen my favourite band over 70 times and I'll still go and see them each time they tour
Lots of my favorites are done or close to being done. Still, my favorites are/were Rush, The Beach Boys, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr All Starr Band, Peter Frampton, Marillion, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Kiss. I also enjoy tons of singer/songwriters like Vanessa Carlton and Tori Amos.
I think I'll go with McCartney. His voice isn't what it used to be, but who can beat his set list?
I play in several bands myself and work nights, so my concert going is WAY off, sadly.
Jimmy Buffett for the party that starts in the parking lot and goes through the night. Great fun.
Rolling Stones for the raw energy.
Dave Matthews, amazing band, so tight.
Some of my favs.
I saw Elton John and Paul Macartney years ago, they were brilliant, and a couple of Australians, Billy Thorpe and Cold Chisel, great songs, great singers
Best ones I hear are solo during live radio interview. Once the rcording techs or the concert sound board jockeys get hold of them, the sound of the original rendition goes out the window.
Edit: Commenting on musical sound mix, not on-stage spectacle.
I have a friend who saw Madonna in concert. I'm not really a concert person.
Taylor Swift was drop dead amazeballs on her Eras tour but I don't want to be that predictable. Tenacious D is an incredible concert experience and Def Leppard was a fantastic show.
I saw the indigo girls live. I loved their albums, but they were terrible live. The Who was a lot of fun live. AC/DC is terrific. I like Yanni as well.
@originnone I've seen the Indigo Girls a bunch of times, but stopped seeing them after sitting through what I consider to be the most horrific opening acts. Also, it would never be indicated whether it was a full band show or just Amy and Emily.
@uncalled4 When I saw them they were getting back together and didn't appear to have practiced much. They kept having to stop in the middle of songs or one would be singing one thing and the other something else. In fairness to them, the venue was absolutely horrible. People were wandering around and chatting like they were at a party during the opening act, which was really rude. It was at something like a really big movie theater.