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Did technology and lawyers kill the music industry?

Vinyl to tape to CDs, and now internet. There a drastic drop in the quality of music being produced today, and I find myself looking more and more to the past. I feel bad for the people that had to keep replacing their sound equipment and recordings. I also feel bad for the artists being sued over the slightest copyright infringement. Small wonder it's the untalented nobodies we mostly see now.
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I think music is just less "special" to people now. Everything is streamed and it doesn't really have the same uniqueness that it did. There is good music out there though.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@SW-User True...there are MANY more choices available for entertainment now. Look at how gaming has exploded in the last 20 years while music seems to shrink more and more.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@uncalled4 i play in 3 bands. This summer we are providing free concerts every Weds night. There is a large audience each night. We play big band sounds, excerpts friends m Broadway shows and Hollywood. It is all live and in a park.
There's a lot of GREAT music out there. A lot of it is live, never gets recorded. Even this bigger little town is a good example. There's a lot of great music outside the "industry". I get a lot of things from places like Bandcamp or YouTube. All stuff the mainstream music industry wouldn't engage.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
Greed by the music labels killed the industry...........imo..............Lets promote this band and put them on tour because we can make the most money off them, even if there not that good.........We know the other band are very talented musicians and are a better band, but we don't believe the money we'll make, will be as we have to pay these guys more money...........
Applepiedom · 61-69, M
I'm waiting to see what the next generation is going to listen to since tie 50-60-70-80s performers are going to be gone..... No talent to fall to. Auto tune and computer music took over.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I try to source my music from more independent labels and artists and listener supported stations.
Viper · M
Also culture... studies have suggested that modern hit music is at a 4th grade reading level or below...

Used to be above a 10th grade reading level...

And as some have pointed out, basically everything is a 4 cord song now...

Music companies just want money, so they just want the bare bone basics... they don't want someone to push music or the people like music used to do...
Dshhh · M
it is because there is
SO much of it, and it is SO easy to make, and heavily automated,
hig volume means low quality .

what music moves you, from any time?
I do a lot of jazz and old Soul,
MissPerfect · 22-25, F
@Dshhh I have an eclectic taste in music. Good is good.
Technology didn't really kill the music industry it actually enhanced the quality of the recordings. It's the culture of the time that makes or breaks the music
MissPerfect · 22-25, F
@SW-User Still, internet crowned technological achievement and it offers free music. How is this helpful?
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Computerization and videos did music in. So much of today's hit music is heavily computerized and dehumanized. And videos with half-naked women seem more important that the actual sound of many songs.

BUT if you rove around Youtube and other places you can still find music made by actual musicians.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I like some music that is made now but it's true it's hard to find a lot of good music.
Dino11 · M
Well said, agree.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
No the music industry has just evolved and changed but many people want it to stay in the past
Really · 80-89, M
@Guitarman123 The only onstage modern music I've heard was blasted at me so hard and unbearably loud that I had to get up & leave. The only music I listen to now is on my home stereo where I control the levels and I can choose not to be assaulted by massively over-amplified and cacophonous NOISE.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Really I get what you mean. I find hearing new modern music very exciting
Really · 80-89, M
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MissPerfect · 22-25, F
@SW-User Vastly inferior songwriting.
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samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
As in recording media or actual music? Will music by such composers as Gershwin, Porter, etc., Be popular 100 years from now?
MissPerfect · 22-25, F
I understand that even back in the day maybe 4 out of 5 songs played on the radio was yucky. Yet tons of great music was produced in the last half of the twentieth century. After that... not so good.
@MissPerfect Another issue is that back in the day music was made by high level producers that took their talent seriously. Now due to the advancement of technology anybody can make a catchy beat on their laptop within a couple of hours and have it up on YouTube by the morning
spjennifer · 61-69, T
The music industry killed itself, their outright greed and profiteering is what killed it. There will always be talented musicians and good songwriters as there always has been but there hasn't always been a "Music Industry" and they're what needs to go now.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Technology, no question, and I say this not only as a die-hard music fan but also a musician who records original music. I remember the day I brought home my CD burner in 1999. CDRs were still expensive, but I knew it was over. Who was going to pay $15 for a CD when it could be cloned for a buck? With file-sharing sites, that was another nail in the coffin.

I truly believe that the reason that there is less quality is twofold; that tech exists to make almost anyone a star, and that people now think that music is free. I have felt this at both the original performance as well as cover/tribute level.
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Really · 80-89, M
It's the listening/subscribing, tasteless public sheeple that have killed the production of decent music. Just as its the dumb-as-a-bag-of-hammers electorate that enables the deplorable state of politics.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@Really Agreed. People used to be interested in trying something different, being a little unique, thinking and choosing for themselves rather than following the herd on social media and streaming services, listening to what they are constantly being reminded is TRENDING so MUST be good. And if you were a performer, you got noticed by breaking from the herd and being able to attract your own crowd because there were sufficient venues, sufficient smaller producers/distributors, that would give you an opportunity to succeed or fail on your own.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
just listen to old music then. I don't listen to anything post 90s because there's enough of it
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Bad music killed it.

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