smiler2012 · 61-69
@StevenIzzi 🤫i think i saw a documentary years ago in the united kingdom based on this idea where a tory mp took the challenge to survive day too day on a low income .it was too give them an insjght into how the poor and need manage too make ends meet . of course them sort will do this knowing they can return to the custom they are use too they basically do not care or give a toss about the poor and needy
biandlargeny · 56-60, M
Better indoctrinated college students who tail against capitalism have to live in a socialist country for a year
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Try a politician forced to live in public housing on the disability benefit for a month (and have a second unit watching them cheat)😷
Monaschandroff86 · F
Yeah and that’s why they are able to receive social security benefits on top of there lowest salary
MasterLee · 56-60, M
How about millennials actually work
EPreject · 36-40, F
I bet you some of them would work that salary and become rich again.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Yes, what should they call it?
"Can you Survive"?
"Boss Demoted"?
"Can you Survive"?
"Boss Demoted"?
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Monaschandroff86 · F
@sladejr yes undercover bosses or something
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uncalled4 · 56-60, M
CBS did Undercover Bosses. Wasn't a bad show. A boss shows up as a "new" worker and hears what people are really going through and adjust things accordingly. At least once, the boss reneged on the agreement, and that was the closest thing to "reality" that there was.
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@BlueGreenGrey Tango man for a second term - or Terminator for his first term...
bijouxbroussard · F
@BlueGreenGrey Agreed ! 🤨