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RedGrizzly · 26-30, F
Idk. I cooked a chimichanga and a baked potato using the company truck. Tucked it in the engine compartment and by lunch it was ready! Haha other than that, my clients' dogs are always happy to see me. Lol
@RedGrizzly very innovative and clever, and I’ve always believed dogs have a good sense of a persons character

4meAndyou · F
I drove a friend of mine to his oncologist's appointment this morning, and there was great news!!! He is still clear of cancer!!!!
@4meAndyou I’m sure he is appreciative and grateful to have you for a friend and in his life
4meAndyou · F
@Ghostinthemachine Thank you again, for saying something so kind to me! ☺️
@4meAndyou Thank you for sharing such a positive story 😊
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Today,a high school student and his father were making a campus visit. I bumped into them purely by chance. It turns out the father had been a Calculus student of mine during my first semester of college teaching years ago.

He had felt badly about how mediocre his performance had been, and how he had been unnerved by how hard the course was. I responded by telling him that as a new faculty member, I had been surprised at what a high-level textbook the department was using. I told him that I agreed that the course was insanely hard, and that we made big changes soon afterwards.

He said, "After all those years -- validation!'.

It was a good conversation.
JustNik · 51-55, F
@DrWatson amazing the things we carry with us never knowing the broader picture ❤️
@DrWatson something similar happened to friend of mine just before we had met for lunch. He was recognized by a former student of his, and had assumed he was no longer teaching lol
mandy0466 · 56-60, F
You’re a nice person
@mandy0466 Awww thank you kindly 🤗
@mandy0466 okay do me next
JustNik · 51-55, F
I hugged people today that I hadn’t seen in years, met a cousin I didn’t know, and ate tacos. 😄👍
@JustNik wow that’s quite the trifecta!
Hugs are good.
Cousins can be good.
Tacos are definitely delicious 😋
I was just thinking about how not very long ago I went out on a date and tried dancing and Im pretty sure it was the cringiest thing she had ever seen in her life, but she just had to pretend like she was alright with it lol
@Ghostinthemachine its okay Im too old to be embarassed about stuff at this point
@orioninthenight there are some benefits to getting older lol

Moments like that are like filters that help out weed out the people we should and shouldn’t be with
Musicman · 61-69, M
I have been taking a class two days a week for three months. Next Friday it will be over. 🙂🙂🙂 Each class is 2 1/2 hours long. Sadly I will actually miss everyone. I have enjoyed going. 🙂
@Musicman what’s the class about, and you should have an end of the term party or go out with the group and exchange contact information so you can stay in touch
Musicman · 61-69, M
@Ghostinthemachine The class will end this Friday. Next Tuesday we have the party scheduled. One of our class members is a retired executive Chef and another owned her own bakery so I am expecting good eats. A couple of the other girls are really into cooking. They all want to get together and cook with Van, the retired Chef. The class is to become a Stephens Minister. We will be highly trained to help people through life's problems. The class was developed by a Psychiatrist and a Clinical Counselor. We definitely have a list of everyone's name, phone number and email address.
@Musicman Sounds like it’s going to be a yummy party. I love hearing about people pursuing goals to help others. Great stuff, thanks for sharing and I wish you much success
akindheart · 61-69, F
i had my kitchen remodeled and it is finally being finished
@akindheart that must look and feel really nice!
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
we helped resettle a Ukrainian family who arrived Tuesday night. Today went there and they had set up their kitchen, set out a plate of goodies for us, their eyes were full of tears of gratitude.
@samueltyler2 Amazing! You’re doing a wonderful thing and it is much appreciated
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
The edibles are kicking in
@SW-User pass it over, please

@Ghostinthemachine no but medical
@SW-User I shouldn’t take yours then. I’ll BMOE
Boleuskas · M
Sun comes up each morning after the darkest night
@Boleuskas it always does, and knowing that can help keep us going
Joy is the key. Reach for good feelings and thoughts in whatever you do.
@PhoenixPhail you’ve gotta accent-uate the positive
Elim-inate the negative…
TexChik · F
@TexChik groovy tune, can’t stand still to this one 🕺🏻
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@TexChik I’m guessing it’s from the 70s?
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Got a day off today, a half day on Wednesday, and Thursday off!
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@Ghostinthemachine just getting ready for a gig on Friday. Scheduling nothing to be done, essentially, is great fun!
@uncalled4 what sort of gig?
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@Ghostinthemachine With my Bowie band at a theater.

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