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How would you fix Star Wars?

If I was in charge I would bring back Legends (EU) as an alternate but equal universe while continuing stories in the Disney canon as well. EU stories I would do are Sword of the Jedi as well as some follow up stories to bridge the gap from Crucible to Legacy, I would let the Skywalker/Solo stories end after the Legacy comics. Next EU stories would be to bridge the gap from Dawn of the Jedi comics to the Tales of the Jedi comics (in Legends TotJ was thousands of years before A New Hope), and I would also bridge the gap from the Kotor Games to The Old Republic multimedia project, them bridge the gap from TOR to the Knight Errant comics. I would follow The Darth Bane Trilogy with stories about the Sith that followed Banes footsteps, this would bridge the gap from the Darth Bane Trilogy to the Darth Plageius novel. I would also remove TCW from the Legends timeline because it causes so many contradictions and make a back up series to smooth out any bumps caused by removing it as well as bringing characters from that show into Legends giving them EU compatible back stories.

For the Disney canon I would make their Dawn of the Jedi era have stories similar to Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings as well as have some Feudal Japan type stories.
Their Old Republic era would be similar to their Dawn of the Jedi era but have some major conflicts similar to real life wars from history. I know people hate the High Republic era especially The Acolyte but I would give The Acolyte some more seasons to let it get more stories and a eventually a proper conclusion. I would also have a series with Plageius training Sidious (it would be nothing like the Plageius novel though). More stories ideas would include a Band of Brothers style series on the Clone Troopers, a series about the Empire in its early years, a Lando Calrissian series, a series on Jabba the Hutt, a series showing the Rebellion transitioning to the New Republic, a series showing the Empire and how they deal with the fallout from Endor, the cancelled Rogue Squadron movie (it would not be like the Legends X-Wing series at all), and I would NOT do away with the Sequel Trilogy (I know how divisive they are), but I would have a follow up to the Sequel Trilogy that would be better written and let it make up for the ST. That's what I would do. I'm a huge Legends fan and would love for it to be continued along side Disney's canon as a parallel universe. I know Star Wars is a state that not everybody is happy with but that's what I would do to try to fix it. I know some SW fans can be toxic but I would say ignore them. What would you do to try to fix the franchise?
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smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I feel like we miss a lot with the beginning with Anakin and Kenobi. I would have loved to see his training and mission's they went on. Then the war I would have like to see Anakin and ahsoka together. after he became Vader I would have focus on vader and Kenobi stories. i also feel like there could have been more with rogue one and Han Solo stories. Of course the two death star's I would have just made one. That would have made better since why there was a huge crater on it with the 6th movie. Most of 4 through 6 would have been the same. Now with 7 through 9 would have been the aftermath of Vader and the emperor's death. I would have like to see the new Republic taking control and the end of the empire. We could see Luke training Leia and rebuilding the Jedi
AnotherWeirdo · 41-45, M
Legends does have some great material.

Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy would have made some absolutely badass movies. (I know they are using Thrawn now but... it's not the same.) Those should have been episodes 7-9.
@AnotherWeirdo 100% those books were stunning
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I would rewrite Alec Guinness's dialogue in the first movie (Episode 4) so that it is actually consistent with what happens in
Episodes 1 - 3!
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
Easy. Keep the Force as a mystical energy field that surrounds us, binds us together, etc. and expunge all mentions of Midichlorians!!

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