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Have you ever seen two adults argue over which is better, Star Trek or Star Wars?

To the point where they both looked like they were going to get physical?

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No. But I can understand the emotions behind it, I am a Trekkie.

I tried to go to the other side too but, to no avail!....
And even still, I don't love or even like ALL of the ST incarnations.
Bri89 · 31-35, M
No, thank goodness my life hasn't as of yet devolved to that point.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
On pornhub I did
SpaceJesus · 41-45
Have you ever been to a convention? I'm sure you have haha! You know how it gets. The Klingons think they're really Klingons, so they're all assholish and pussies. Then there's the geek who talks way too much and is always eager to show off his knowledge. There is the Federation, who think they are better than you. I've never seen any actual scraps, thankfully, but I've seen some arguing before
shanec · 41-45, M
@SpaceJesus Lol nah, never been. But I'm guessing the fights end up with them facing off each against each other with light sabers etc
SpaceJesus · 41-45
@shanec Hahahahaa!!! Some Star Wars fanatics showing up at a Star Trek convention. I'm sure the Klingons would actually try to do something about it hahaha!
shanec · 41-45, M
@SpaceJesus Yeah lol a raid by Star Wars fans

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