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I'm looking at details of designs across science fiction

And noticing a common trend between a lot of them. Use of hexagonal patterns
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caPnAhab · 26-30, M Pinned Comment
I have read all your responses and enjoyed your diagrams. Thanks you guys

Fishy · 36-40, F
Because even though hexagons technically exist in nature, you don't see hexagons everywhere in the organic world... or anything with a perfectly straight line 🤔

in sci fi movies where there's a lot of natural but alien landscape, you don't see hexagons that much, it's more spirals, circles and random curves
it's one of those strength/space things. bubbles are round to maximize volume to surface, when pressed in close, they go hexagonal quicklike. and hexagons easily break down into triangles which tend to be the strongest, most stable geometric shapes that have straight lines.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
The bees taught them about strength in building

DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Not mentioned already. Hexagonal shape is the most strength and space efficient system.

Triangular shape is the strongest. Yet requires more space. The walls of triangle require more wall area, for the equal amount of space.

In science fiction, in particular, usable space is a requirement. So the hexagonal shape with its strength is very much needed out in space.

Less walls, less weight. Less power necessary to move it or change direction.

Take a good look at the left side of the image above. It sort of looks like a spaceship. The bottom being the rocket.
swirlie · F
Better than circles! Circles are boring, just like circles of friends are boring! Always have square friends in your life. They're much more amusing!

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