Werewolves........ so yeah.I'm so glad I waited until it was $6 to rent. I won't give any spoilers, but all I kept thinking was, "Boy, I sure hope the government didn't fire all the actual science experts." It sure seems like they just hired these idiots off the streets, to... See More »
Binge-watching the original series "The Outer Limits" (1963)(I’m watching this on PlutoTV) My favorite episode is a two-parter called "The Inheritors" starring Robert Duvall, Ivan Dixon, Steve Ihnat, James Shigeta. The storyline is about four (Quote) It’s well-written, haunting, suspenseful—with a twist... See More » (1)
I watched the movie Geostorm last nightApparently by 2019 we have gained the power to control the weather with a huge grid of satellites encircling Earth and row upon row of space shuttles at our command. Good cast, though
This has to be the strangest, most charming and unique post apocalyptic dystopian movie I've ever seen. I love it. (1)