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I really miss the era of Disney's 2D animation movies

Treasure Planet, Lilo & Stitch, Lion King

Don't get me wrong I loved Bug's Life and Wall-E

But there was something more pure about traditional cartoon movies.
When they closed down their traditional cell animation studio it felt surreal, because that had always been the bedrock of the company and what they were justifiably famous for.
For decades when it came to animation there was Disney and then there was everybody else.

And you knew Disney animation when you saw it. CGI animation has a sameness about it. Disney CGI, Pixar, Dreamworks they are indistinguishable from each other in terms of look and tone.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
@robingoodfellow easy, a merchandise company, that's where they really make bank
@robingoodfellow Well, tbh, they went through a time of lesser films in the handdrawn era...
@SomeMichGuy yes, and too formulaic. But always technically excellent. Best animators in the business.
And they took actual artistic talent.
@Longpatrol It is far more an engineering talent, and most of it is based upon a huge amount of work done by others.

When the 3D software is programmed to properly rotate, move, even include the physics of how bits of an imagined body moves, it is true that you will never get animated characters whose faces don't look right because an animator who drew it didn't imagine it correctly.

It's also somewhat akin to calling an AI product one's own work, when all you did was write a little and press a button.

It's the difference between furniture made via industrialization and that made by hand. A classic Steinway, with serial numbers on the parts, shaped to fit rach other v. a Young(?sp) Chang or non-concert-sized Yamaha.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
@SomeMichGuy I used to do digital media before I moved into retail and we absolutely had to DRAW our characters before we did a 3d object form.

I'm not certain whether Disney separates out what 3D animators do in house like that but 15 years ago at a smaller op we combined both functions.
@Longpatrol Yes. But did you draw a character in all poses? That would somewhat negate the whole modelling / rendering software...
Tell me about it! 🙄
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