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Regal Cinemas is planning for bankruptcy

I love going to see a movie in the theater. This sucks.
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MarineBob · 56-60, M
Come here I'll give you a soda and popcorn for $20.00 and tell you to go home and watch reruns
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
When the product provided is substandard and over priced this is what happens. I haven't been to a movie for so long I can't remember the last one I saw in a theatre. I do remember not enjoying it. The sound was so painfully loudthat the speakers were crackling.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
@hippyjoe1955 that is so annoying when that one speaker isn't working good and u can clearly hear it
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Not surprised at all. Less people are going to the theater these days. Why go to the theater when u can watch your favorite movies on Netflix or hbo max or Disney plus. also they are still recovering from Covid. I am sure they lost big being shutdown for months.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
It was a classy chain;Ill be sorry to see it go if it cant restructure.
Punches · 46-50, F
One thing that also probably doesn't help even though it's been going on for years is the fact that they have commercials before the movie. It might not be so bad if those commercials were entertaining somehow but it's usually just stupid crap like Liberty Mutual or some lawsuit and just stuff that you see on TV everyday.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Thank the Covidiots
Tminus6453 · M
@MrBrownstone Probably more like the failing woke movie industry
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Tminus6453 That too.
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
Movies these days sucks anyways. More like there is no Movies anymore. Just pure propaganda of all kinds of Bullshit.

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