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A rare distraction with Galaxy Quest.

This is a personal vent I need to share. Since Vickie passed I have been uninterested in watching anything in the comedy realm. I have paused on an sitcom episode now and then but lost the humor I once saw. I find humor is still in me regarding posts here but it has no relationship to my grief.
My escape is usually something in the sci-fi/adventure realm. Tonight I was in the mood and scanned some channels before going to Prime or Netflix and saw Galaxy Quest was just starting on the Comet channel so being many years I rewatched it. I had forgotten how ridiculous wacky fun it was and enjoyed seeing it again. It would have been much more enjoyable to have shared it with Vickie but I had her in heart as I did. We both shared enjoyment watching things that were escapes from reality. On the other side she new and watched and every true crime reality show and their channel in existence.
I had a different kind of screen time evening and it brought some inner peace.
SingleBHM · 56-60, M
First of all, my condolences for your loss. It's normal not to find joy in anything if her passing away was very recent. My best advice is to remember the good times with her and live every single day to honor her memory.

Galaxy Quest is for me one of the best sci-fi comedy films of all times. Some may say it is the best Star Trek film. Not completly agree with them but I understand.

Have a good night!
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@SingleBHM It was 1 1/2 years ago. I do as you advised. It's the not taking care of myself I openly admit not doing well. I'm in a grief group that entirely gets what I'm about say. Grief is a unique and individual experience. Unless someone has directly lost a true loved one and partner especially the rarest of compatibility they don't understand its affects. I won't go into details about the areas of advice especially about moving on and my thoughts.
But thank you for the thought and appropriate advice and I agree about Galaxy Quest but it stands alone and needs no Star Trek comparison even if it is the inspiration.
(((((HUGS))))) I am so very sorry for your loss Dear Friend :( Galaxy Quest is a fun movie indeed, what started out as a shloky hokey movie ended up being a movie of what Friendship truly means :)

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