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I am so sick of hearing 30 year olds playing teenage roles in movies/TV shows.

I mean what’s up with that? They’re old enough to play parents or teachers! I’m fed up with it! I understand that minor actors can work much hours as the adults but if the actors are 18-22 or 23 ish, then that’s fine but if you’re 24 and over, you’re too old. You had your chance, give the new generation a chance! It’s THEIR turn to shine! If you’re over 24 if 25, stop trying to book a teen role and go for the adult roles! Like in Grease, the actress the played Rizzo was 34!!!! She was old enough to play the teacher or could have played Rizzo’s mother. Way too old to play a teen! Olivia Newton John (RIP) was 29 or 30!! Some actors were 28-31 years old. John Travolta was about 23-24 ish so he was ok. The rest were like in their late 20s early 30s! That is ridiculous!!! Let 18-22 year olds play teen roles because they are fresh outta teen years.
Hey I’m just stating my honest opinion. Honestly it should be a fact. I’m 29 and I would reject the teen role. I would play the ADULT roles. You’re adults! Act like one! You’re not teenagers anymore!
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That only happened decades ago. Most actors playing a teenaged character are early 20s, and that's because it's more difficult to find actual teenagers that are capable actors.
ElizabethBabe1994 · 31-35, F
@TheGreatLeveler Well that’s good. If someone was in their mid to late 20s they would be rejected but that’s a good thing. They’re too old.
Cordelia and Xander were almost 30 when they played their characters on Buffy.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@SW-User That is very true, and Cordelia was a former NFL cheerleader too.
Morvoren · F
Why do you care?
Morvoren · F
@ElizabethBabe1994 It’s not really your call though is it? If they get cast and the show is successful, it will keep happening.
ElizabethBabe1994 · 31-35, F
@Morvoren I know that and there’s nothing I can do about it. The directors can do what they want but I’m allowed to have an opinion just like anyone else. That’s all.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@ElizabethBabe1994 You'r right about that. But knowing now what he know about the show runner. We are some what glad it wasn't younger actors.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
They usually have 25 up to 32 year olds playing teens in movie's and such
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@smileylovesgaming Very true.
TheotherAndy · 41-45, M
Well said :)
Trekker · 51-55, M
Spider man movies are a modern example of this. Tom Holland was the only actual teenager to play the teen role. Tobey Maguire was 30+ when he did the character.

Arguments about if Toby played it better, but... He wasn't a teen.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
That is very true. Or where the actor playing the kid is older than the actor who is playing their parent. I heard that from that 90's show Mila is way too young to be playing that kids mother.
I get what you’re saying, but considering the abuse that takes place in that industry, I think it’s probably better there are less kids available for roles.
ElizabethBabe1994 · 31-35, F
@Colonelmustardseed Yeah that’s a good point. It’s sad to see younger actors get taken advantage off. They should wait until they’re at least 18.
It’s the director’s decisions
ElizabethBabe1994 · 31-35, F
@TxOutlawTyler Um….why? Plus I have a boyfriend
@ElizabethBabe1994 doesn’t mean I’m gonna hit on u
ElizabethBabe1994 · 31-35, F
@TxOutlawTyler okay…..just checking
It's nothing new. I could show you movies from the 50s with 'teenagers' that left their teens behind them ages ago.
Funlov · M
And on here 😂
ElizabethBabe1994 · 31-35, F
@MsSwan What? truth hurts?
Zonuss · 46-50, M
This is old news.
ElizabethBabe1994 · 31-35, F
@Zonuss I know but it’s just my opinion
OriginalDumbMan · 36-40
Cause gen z are fools.

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