AnukBinary · M
The only movie I've seen that was an awesome add on. Was Mad Max Fury Road.. Take place after Road Warrior. And before Thunder Dome. It even has the same vehicle and shot gun as in Road Warrior.. And now he's working on the prequel to Furry Road. Waste Land which should tie them together. And hopefully he'll make one after Fury Road which ties it to Thunder Dome..
cycleman · 61-69, M
re-makes never work
lisasama · 26-30, F
well this is an interesting one. and my answer would be, "fight club" staring norton and pitt. as perfect as the movie is. it is 16 years old and i was only 9 when i saw it. (watched it alone without telling my parents) I think a remake cam seriously boost a new revolution, and even bring a new meaning to this forgotten adaptation of an awesome novel.
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lisasama · 26-30, F
ah excuse me? that's rude ,
lisasama · 26-30, F
oh sorry, i shouldn't have been so blunt, sorry.
lisasama · 26-30, F
I can understand that the movie was enough to start a craze. and it is perhaps a perfect movie. but after 17 years it deserves to be rebooted.
jpiper5 · M
The Golden Child.
The Mask.
Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins
The Mask.
Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins
jpiper5 · M
Me neither. Lol
I sent you a message
I sent you a message
lisasama · 26-30, F
hmmmm got it
lisasama · 26-30, F
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
name a remake better then the original
lisasama · 26-30, F
lolz, thanks for actually replying, for a moment there i thought i didn't quite know what i was talking about.
LordofFlatbush · 56-60, M
The Thing, Scarface, and Little Shop of Horrors. It's rare when a remake is better than the original but it can be done.
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
really good taste but even those could be argued that the original was better

I'd say leave them alone, I can't think of any remakes that I liked
Clash of the titans Prometheus fury road
