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I Struggle With Depression Daily

It is really a pain in the ass. I had a few good months last year, but at the end of the year after my surgery, I started gaining weight that I had lost with a lot of effort. And I was told I couldn't do any agressive excercising for 6 months. My surgery was done through the belly button so the recovery was annoying because bendind, makingn an effort, etc, everything I would resent on that zone. Anyways.. after that I would rarely leave bed, I didn't want to receive any visitations and I stopped working which hit me really hard because I loved my job, but i needed to focus in my recovery. I am doing great right now regarding the recovery, but my depression has gotten worse. I know I should seek for help, but I really don't want to admit I can't do it on my own...
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Aaronfunn · 51-55, M
We all need help sometimes. I have problems with me back. L4 - S1. Had surgery once before on L4-L5. after PT, acupuncture, and a nerve burn I finally started feeling better and then I fell down the stairs and broke my ankle(a plate and 7 screws), and re injured my back. I have been going to a Psychologist on and off. It is hard when you cannot do anything. It helps to stay in touch with people though. I wish you luck and if you need to chat ever, I am available. I have lots of free time lately
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
@Aaronfunn Thank you, you are very kind!
Aaronfunn · 51-55, M
So are you. 😊
Is it a medical leave of absence, will you be able to go back to work at the job you enjoy so much? Many have their job tied up in their self identity. It becomes a integral part, and if they lose it for anything it hurts. Hope you are doing better.
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
@VeronicaJane: thank you!
AmericanBroad · 31-35, F
Don't be afraid to reach out if you need it. I too have recently gained weight that I previously lost, can be very frustrating
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CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
Thanks for the support!
AmericanBroad · 31-35, F
You're welcome! Good luck 😘
Hawnheart · 61-69
You never have to go through any hardship alone. There's help everywhere you turn. Don't be afraid to ask.
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
Thank you ❤
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
We all need a little help from friends & family at times. 🤗
So sorry for the rut you are in. If you need to chat or just need an ear I'm always here. ☺
CrazyCatLady · 36-40, F
Thank you, you are very kind!

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