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I know no one will read this because I have no pfp but I'm just venting anyway.

Severe depression is not always visible. In those of us with a clean pretty living space and good hygiene. We smell good. We exercise and pray and meditate . We smile at strangers and don't cause anyone any problems. Until it's too late.
People claim they love us. We might have a family member and even a significant other . And they give no shits that we are a thread away from death at any moment. We didn't scream. We don't fight.
Until we do.
Our last scream. I hate this world and the shallow level of it. My user is not Idontbelonghere .... On this site. Which is also true but that's another story.
There is no recourse when you don't fit anywhere. I am not well enough to be basic but too intelligent to be happy settling.
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You have a 100% success of survival rate, that's what I am sometimes told and/or I read it somewhere.

I know parts of the toolbox are:
Supports, that are outside of yourself. It can be a therapist, a friend or family member, etc.
Support groups.
In my case, some books actually do offer me great solace.

Helpful 'Distractions' if things become really dire, you must know, moods are tender and volatile things, our minds are our best friends but can be our worst enemies.

Try to keep in mind that you're not what you think, I know this can be an impossible task at times:
and that is when you want to have a crisis plan in place: Make sure you're SAFE.
For me, it can mean I keep my balcony closed and do NOT go out on it. For each of us, it is different.
Keeping crisis lines AT HAND can be vital: 988, or 911.
If you need to vent or rant, call a Warm line.

Also, if you are HERE, perhaps consider medication.
It does help tremendously, if you find the correct drugs: I am usually anti drugs, but it helped me decades ago.

Finally. Know that you are loved, valued and a part of tis world. Please take good care of yourself.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
My wife suffers from depression. She has been hospitalized twice. She is on meds for both depression and psychosis.

For a while, it was pretty scary.

But she has made progress. A lot of progress. She is doing a lot better than she was.

And I hope that you can say the same some day.
caccoon · 36-40
You do belong and there is space for you wherever you want to be. 💙

But I know depression is not easy and there is no simple cure.

Do you have a good therapist?
BlueVeins · 22-25
It sounds like you take really good care of yourself. That's something to be proud of.
BlueVeins · 22-25
I hope you find happiness along the way.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
You belong here and in so many places, you have an interesting and appealing core to your personality that shines through even in the dark.
@TheShanachie Thank you . That's really kind of you.
Achelois · F
As @caccoon said you do belong here.

I’m sorry you feel like this 🤍
@Achelois 🤍
You do belong. You do belong here, i care what you think and feel. You're going through so much
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
Trying to fit in isn't that necessary.
Being comfortable with self is what matters
Magenta · F

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