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My First and Only Panic Attack.

I had a panic attack only once in my life. When I was 16. I thought I was gonna die, so I went with my mother to the emergency room. It's weird, but when the doctor (random doctor) gently held my hand to check my wrist, it felt so soothing. He held my hand to check my wrist for like 13 seconds. But I can never forget how it made me feel. 18 years happened since then. That's how sensitive I am to touch. I know and believe that it has the power to heal. Sometimes, almost in an instance.

And when people (I'm sorry, but Muslims) call physical touch Haram and 'warn' against it. I royally ask them to eff off.

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AuRevoir · 36-40, M
Physical touch with other humans is the only way to get certain chemicals to activate. They do however recommend pets for lonelier people who don't have partners. But it still doesn't create the same amount of endorphins etc as physical contact with humans does.
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
@nobodyishome I also don't like when people warn too much about connecting. To me if you're warning about that kind of thing, it means you're so dark inside you can't trust yourself with it.

But it's not just in religious settings we see this. We see it in first world culture. It's becoming increasingly common that almost any contact can be considered sexual assault or harassments. People have been arrested for simple things such as a single kiss with someone after a date that they thought went well.

So neither religious people, or people outside of religion are any better than another in my opinion. Since I've seen plenty of instances of it happening both ways.

A religious one involved a father not letting a lifeguard rescue his daughter who was drowning because touching her was as you said. "Evil" so she ended up drowning instead. Which is stupid because people at the morgue and mortuary are going to be touching her body anyway. Performing autopsies or preparing it for a funeral. It's highly illogical to be so caught up on it.
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nobodyishome · 31-35, F
@nobodyishome And that was my unnecessary rant.
Elisbch · M
Religions, set up by man, are set up to/for control. 🤷. I agree with you about touching. I had a similar experience as you.
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nobodyishome · 31-35, F
@SatanBurger I'm talking about being touched in a certain way by someone who feels like they actually care.
nobodyishome · 31-35, F
@SatanBurger I wouldn't go to my water faucet if I had a panic attack again. Just sayin.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
We finally agree on something. 👍🏻
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Bang5luts · M

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