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Stress/Anxiety 24/7

I feel as though I'm consumed by stress and/or anxiety 24/7. My stomach is in tight knots and my head rushes a million miles per hour like a race track. Is it normal? I'm not aware if it is. I've asked others and questioned myself. It always results to the same. "See a therapist", "Talk to someone", "Fix yourself". I am ALWAYS anxious or stressed. In this situation. I have done all these but what do I do to change that feeling, it's horrible and debilitating to experience. I don't know how to explain it to people.
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CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
No, it is not normal. I used to have it like that in my early 20s but I don't experience this now in similar situations so I know there had to be something wrong with me then. It could be just something small like vitamin deficiency but also some medical problem. Now I know that it was probably because I had anemia, vitamin D deficiency, magnesium deficiency and also probably thyroid hormone problems. Diet high in sugar can be the problem too. Too much sugar can make you anxious.
Maybe have some medical check done if you can.

I mean, I'm not entirely anxiety free but a certain level of anxiety/worry is normal. It's not normal when you have strong symptoms like sweating, shaking with chills, urge to cry, inability to organize thoughts etc.
I'm sure that you know the prescribed path for anxiety. Therapy, medication, relaxation techniques, life adjustments, etc. Medication can help steady the ship enough to invest in the other parts of the process.
Read Book of Psalms every day. It chases away all anxiety aka demonic attacks . The only thing that helped my anxiety and nerves 🤷‍♀when it was happening to me
Intuitive · 46-50, F
It sounds like you may be having panic attacks . I know they are horrible.

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