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I thouggt things was getting better then the parson i was closest to on here atopped talking to me and blocked now im just constantly down and sad 😔

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I'm sorry that does hurt
Sometimes it's necessary for that person to help them in whatever they need to do
Punches · 46-50, F
I do not get why people could be cool then just block.

I mean normally don't people block those they have had too many run-ins with instead?
There are others here to talk to, don't get down about one of them.
Sorry. Ive had it happen to me too before
SolGryn · 31-35, M
Things will get better...right?
the first time it happened to you?
Sorry to hear that
SnailTeeth · 36-40, M
It's probably because you whine so much
Trixie · F
@SnailTeeth yeah maybe 😞
Is it because you're using a profile image that isn't you? Did they know that already or did they just find out?
@SW-User Another from the UK that can not say something nice to a lady ... blocked
Drewman · 46-50, M

Ohhhh I'm so sorry!!!!! That stinks. People suck

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