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Wow are the threes in water???. Where is that
Cocokitty31-35, F
Yes it floated a area in my backyard area. It鈥檚 in Kentucky but pretty sure now that鈥檚 a sink hole bc it filled up with that much water and never went past that even know it rained for over 13 hours of heavy rain non stop so it had to be draining @Nobody00

We have minor flooding from some rain and a big melt.
Deadish31-35, M
This sounds a lot like my part of the states. Rain for 80% of the year and then humidity in the summer. At least the trees are flourishing.
Cocokitty31-35, F
Hahaha pretty much. Summer time sucks. @Deadish
Deadish31-35, M
@Cocokitty it鈥檚 great for sweating out all those summer cocktails 馃榿
I wish! Send some of that rain my way. Another drought here in California :(
Cocokitty31-35, F
@SW-User oh dang, yeah in ky we are getting all kinds of rain. My weather radio has went off 10 times since 6 am today over flood and thunderstorm watch. The flood is so bad it has popped up on my phone 3 times. It's crazy.
Allelse36-40, M
I wish!!! It's the first goddamn day of Autumn and it's 30 degrees Celsius!!! Stupid bloody country.
Well this looks familiar when I used to live by a creek.
Cocokitty31-35, F
I鈥檓 not even by any water source lol this is a sinkhole that was made but it rain so much it was trying to fill up with water but it never went past that level after literally 13 hours od heavy non stop rain so it was definitely draining. Which is also scary to know it鈥檚 a sink hole that close to me @canusernamebemyusername
Been a dry and boring winter on the west coast. Seems funner where you are.
all damn day. I dunno that its flooding around here, tho.
No rain, things are thawing some. Be in the mid 50's this week.
I wish
We need it
Some but not a lot
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