how many of you guys are getting a lot of rain and storms? Everyone in town is floated and even some people are having to leave their homes. Thank God for me I livr on the second story of my apt building lol but this is a spot from my balcony earlier today around 2 pm where the water was flooding. Wonder what I will be like by tomorrow it has been storming sad raining none stop since. Share pics if you got some.
I’m not even by any water source lol this is a sinkhole that was made but it rain so much it was trying to fill up with water but it never went past that level after literally 13 hours od heavy non stop rain so it was definitely draining. Which is also scary to know it’s a sink hole that close to me @canusernamebemyusername
Yes it floated a area in my backyard area. It’s in Kentucky but pretty sure now that’s a sink hole bc it filled up with that much water and never went past that even know it rained for over 13 hours of heavy rain non stop so it had to be draining @SW-User
@SW-User oh dang, yeah in ky we are getting all kinds of rain. My weather radio has went off 10 times since 6 am today over flood and thunderstorm watch. The flood is so bad it has popped up on my phone 3 times. It's crazy.