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I Think You Must Be Depressed To Understand Depression

1.I'm fat and look disgusting

2. I'm different from my family.

3. I hate living at home but my job doesn't pay enough to afford anywhere else.

4. I am struggling to learn how to drive, I've had 3 lessons and I'm not making progress.

5. I declared a mental health day today to help me cope with this crap

6. I have THE CPA exam to sit in late August and I haven't been studying

7. I feel useless and purposeless at my job.

8. I hate than I'm 25 soon and haven't ever had a long term relationship with a guy.

9. I don't get along well with my other siblings.

10. I have lost interest in hanging out and doing the things I once enjoyed.

11. I am questioning the "friends" I have at work.

12. I don't have good male role models around.

13. I sometimes go outta my way to make others feel good and welcomed because I know what it's like to feel like ostracized.

14. I feel like I'll never be successful enough to repay my mom for everything she's ever done for me and its killing me.
bluSpark · 36-40, M
All the things she is describing are clear signs of depression. And let me clear any stigma about it. It's not a one size fits all disease. It effects everyone differently. I suffer from depression and anxiety. I know my symptoms. My triggers. I have strategies in place to cope and balance my emotitions. What she needs understanding and help. When you are depressed. Your thoughts control you. It's not sadness or th weepies either. Depression doesn't make us weak. Depression is looking through dark lens and seeing the world in a negative way. Just the other day and event triggered an episode of apathy. I got so numb that I couldn't feel myself or anything around me. Everything become so surreal. It didn't feel real. But I tried explaining what was happening to me to my ex because she was yelling and screaming at me to get up. Sometimes it's hard to move and concentrate when it's bad. But she didn't want to hear it. So that fucking hurt real bad. That didn't help with the numbness. It got worse. I know how you feel. @itwontlast you can get help. Thank you so much for sharing. I came on here looking for others and understanding and maybe a support system. As a fellow depressive we are in this together. We need to let others know that we don't want to feel like we do when we are at are worst. When we smile in your face when ask how we are doing. But inside we are in so much pain. When you are dismissive because you can't understand why we are withdrawn and uninterested. We are going through hell on the inside. Thank you .
bluSpark · 36-40, M
@MidknightMischief that's my initial concern. If pills is right for me. Some of the folks I talked to tell me the medications just masks the pain. Or take away your personality.
MidknightMischief · 41-45, M
They can give you a break from the depression while you work the depression in therapy. It’s not easy but the rx do help.
bluSpark · 36-40, M
Has the process been difficult?
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
You've got a lot on your plate. You are under a lot of stress. Pick the most important problem and work on that. Remember the old Quaker saying for getting through difficult times: "Do ye now next thing."

You sound like you are doing the best you can. Give yourself credit for what you are doing instead of worrying about what you are not handling well.

You sound intelligent and caring. Hang in there and you will eventually overcome at least some of this.

One more comment: It took me 18 lessons to learn to drive. That was back in 1960. I still drive and have an excellent driving record. Also, I have flunked and gotten low scores on many an exam or had to take a class over here and there and I have four college degrees.

Struggling with things does not mean you are a loser; quite the contrary.
Alifeinterrupted · 26-30, F
@greenmountaingal thanks for saying all this. Truly means a lot.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
I'm most of the things you mentioned.

Just hang in there and take it one step at a time. You will eventually conquer it.
Alifeinterrupted · 26-30, F
@Beatbox34 thanks man
MidknightMischief · 41-45, M
So now name 15 things you are grateful for.

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