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I Am Depressed

This year has been so difficult and I've practically had no one to help me through it, and it's going to get worse and I'll still have no one. I don't know how to keep pushing forward when I see no point in anything. I'm useless at everything. People say they'll support you and make you feel better but then they leave and you're left broken and alone. All I see around me are happy and joyful people and I can't stand it because I feel miserable and I just wish someone would care. I know it sounds selfish. Even thinking about xmas coming and all of these cheery people and decorations everywhere and music makes me want it all to end already or just never come at all because it's too much. I don't care about anything. I just want everything to stop. It's moving too fast. I'm so, so scared and there's no one to tell me it will be okay. No one. I don't get it.
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Giaalexer · 26-30, F
Hello 🙂.i understand what your depression cause I lived it before. I'm here anytime you need and I will support you
Giaalexer · 26-30, F
@wordsiheldback try to choose the right people to trust
wordsiheldback · 26-30, F
@Giaalexer they were people whose job they work in is to visit homes and help people so I don't think they were doing it deliberately as they did seem genuine and it would be wrong of them to do something like that but yeah, I seem to trust people too easily anyway. It just didn't work out right I suppose. :/
Giaalexer · 26-30, F
@wordsiheldback you need help in what?
Dusty101 · F
Hugs. I actually truly get what you say... heart and soul 💚
I can relate in my own way. I lost my partner to cancer this year and people have just avoided me since. Like you said, you see happy and joyful people all around you but nobody understands you, or else they just avoid you. Christmas is particularly hard I think because people retreat into their partners or families but hopefully things will improve in the new year.
wordsiheldback · 26-30, F
@SW-User I'm so sorry about your partner, that sounds really difficult. But thank you for this reply and I hope things feel better for you soon!
Area51 · 26-30, M
in the end, all will be okay, if all is not okay, then its not the end.

(unknown source)
wordsiheldback · 26-30, F
@Area51 I like this. Thanks. :)
steview100 · 51-55, M
It will improve. There is a great future ahead of you
wordsiheldback · 26-30, F
@steview100 I hope so. Thank you.
Cheesecake · 61-69, M
I think you've done the right thing by expressing your difficulties here, so well done for that :-)
Yes, there are some idiots on here, as there are in the real world, but also some decent, supportive people.
You'll almost inevitably find kindred spirits here - people who have gone through similar experiences to yourself. Don't be shy. Message someone if you think they might be able to help you.
There's always hope in the future. Hang on in there.
Take care. Night night :-)
wordsiheldback · 26-30, F
@Cheesecake Thank you! 🙂
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
why are you depressed?
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
@wordsiheldback why you decided to give others control over your own emotions?
wordsiheldback · 26-30, F
@unknownpoetx I don't know to be honest. I'm someone who depends on other people to help me through and make me feel better because I've never really known how to do that for myself. :/
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
@wordsiheldback please read again those your own words more than once

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